First off, happy birthday to Sir
razorwyvern :) Hope you can find time to relax and have a good day :)
In related Canadian news, my trip to see
cyrakhis in Canada has fallen through :p Not surprised though, this is why I don't get my hope up when planning anything with a furry or dragon XD ( the exception being my trip to see Ria later in the year, my hope is already overflowing for that ^^; ) Now I don't know if I'm gonna even bother with FA:U, lord knows I spent enough money at anthrocon. And I just spent over $500 this last weekend for car maintenance, glasses, and other odds and ends. So a break would probably behoove me XD
Also posted a rare clean story over at DA. Let me express here how much I utterly hate their story submission process now. Gone is the ability to use word documents or any kind of text file, there is no text entry box like there used to be, now you are allowed to upload an HTML file or a PDF file only. So I tried to be lazy and just use Word's 'Save as HTML' feature, of course that f***ed the shit out of DA. So I did PDF instead. Anyone who wants to see the story has to manually click the Download link to get at it, now. I'll see about converting it to simpler HTML (I felt like a dirty whore using Microsoft Word's HTML feature >>; ) when I'm not lazy later. Here's the story: answer the obvious question, no, nothing is official yet ^^;;