Mar 14, 2010 09:57
Been awhile since I lasted posted here. I now have a way to do so thanks to my new phone.
This journal is about my report about the Animeland Wasabi convention I recently went to. All I have to say is it was alot of fun though it was a tad small and crowded to say the least and the con improved alot then last years con. I currently am getting pumped for the upcoming cosplay meetup on May 15th
Friday, I had to work and during that time the anticipation of going to the con was exciting. After I got off and called my roomie Sammi to pick me up from work as planned. While I was waiting and just as I got off, my friends The Pocky Ninja, Inuyasha, and Kiba came by to Shifters (place I work at) to eat and see yours truly. After I called Sammi and the others to get me I visited with them a bit til my ride came. Sammi came around at 3:30 and I felt very great. We came by my house as planned and got my wigs and every other kind of thing I needed for our awesome weekend at the hotel.
We arrived around 4 and when we arrived I knew I was at to speak. Basic thing we did is we checked in, got showered and shaved and got my Rude cosplay (FF7) on and set to register. Sammi switched to Rin Kagamine of the vocaloids for abit til we change at around 7 to Beat and Rhyme from TWEWY (The World Ends With You, a very awesome DS game I highly recommend). Unfortunetly, due to unforseen stuff before getting me, Sammi forgot a few things and needed to return to get a few things. No big deal I wasn't mad and we tend to forget stuff here and there (I'm guilty of it also if you're reading this Sammikins) and besides I would never get mad at a sweet girl like her; she's to special to me and love her alot...ahem. Anyways, while she was gone I was set to do my first shoot I made which was a fail due to hardly anyone arriving besides my other best friends Randi, Rhianna, and the gals of Cosplay Bizarre (Christal, Stacy, and Leta). After that I basically got regged, and looked around abit. Stuff seemed meh abit until I seen...A RENO COSPLAYER!!! which made me real happy and hung out a bit as Reno and Rude which was bad ass and she (it was a girl named dee) and she was in character which felt awesome I even seen Rabbit there as Princess Serenity of Sailor Moon passing out these real delicious cupcakes. Other folks who I haven't seen in abit that I saw again was Bekah aka Dante who I was happy to see again and of course Cara who is well known for her amazing Luffy cosplay. After we parted ways, I went to my room and met with Amanda aka Hiei in me, Sam and Eric's room (she wanted to use it to get changed) I was a gentleman when the gals were changing and helped them with their cosplays when they were putting them on when needed since they both trust me and it was a new experience to say the least due to me never rooming with anyone and it was around females which I never slept in the same room with ever. After Sammi got back, she surprised me with my new awesome Beat Shirts her and Rabbit made me which I love them for doing. Then, me and Sammi changed to Beat and Rhyme from TWEWY. Alot of great con moments occured then.
Me and Sammi roamed the hallways in our awesome cosplays getting pics and enjoying our company together at the con floor and seeing friends. I even bought a few things for Sammi at the Artists Alley at the con which what generally guys do when with girls; but with Sammi I'd get anything for her just to see her happy and to show I care. After a bit we went to Del Taco, went to our room and went to bed.
Saturday, we woke up all set for another fun day at the con, got dressed; Sammi was going as Rin then for the contest at 4. While I was going as Simon of Gurren Lagann. We got breakfast at Ihop and after breakfast I went back to the con space and tried to arrive for the Gurren Lagann shoot I made and again no one arrived for a shoot I made. At that time til 3 I roamed the con space again as Simon, but I came to realize Simon was a pretty uncomfortable cosplay due to wrestling with the wig and the ab bandages I used for it. After awhile I went to the room and changed to Beat again for comfort. Afterwards, I went to the autograph thing and met our guests including Chuck Huber, Sammi Harte, Uncle Yo and my now new friends the lovely girls of Happy! Project.
Uncle Yo came on around 4. Funny as always and did a great show. 5 was the contest and had great skits and of course I was there to support sammi and the girls of Cosplay Bizarre. Sammi unfortunetly didn't win the main contest despite she worked her ass off and made a amazing and adorable Rin-chan. Despite that she got to experience a cosplay contest...but she signed up for the late one at 4am! More on that later. Then she met a Len cosplayer who I remembered later on after the con was my friend Meredith from Facebook then I was happy I seen Sammi with a Len. Felt a bit left out though.
I got to the room and changed to my epic Formal Beat outfit I put together myself which was a Yakuza inspired outfit. But, due to the staff not having no tickets, I couldn't go to the formal which was a bit dissapointing, but was fun to roam in my new suit I madem During then I met a awesome girl Rock Lee who recognized my cosplay and seen Randi and the girls in their Hetalia cosplays which were awesome to see especially Randi's Italy. All I did then was roam the halls, went to the late night panels and went to bed almost around 3am.
SUNDAY, SUNDAY, SUNDAY!!!, Woke up around 9 and seen Sammi was knocked out she woke up with me and seen she won a award for Best Beginner Cosplay which was something I am proud of her for. We seen Hiei and packed up everything after showering and getting changed and checked out of our rooms. Nothing really much happened then; just seen some friends and went to a few panels. I did however got alot of crap from the dealers room including some TWEWY pins, some Gurren Lagann stuff, a X-Japan CD, and a few plushies. Then the con came to a close and fun was had by all.
I am currently am getting ready for NDK and set to room with Sammi again then. Now to my new cosplay. Due to not being able to do Simon due to the nudity rule, I am doing a whole new cosplay this year for the con. I am gonna cosplay as Alfred F. Jones AKA America of Hetalia Axis Powers which is something I am excited to create for the con due to day 2 being 9/11 and it'll be fun to see other Hetalians...and getting chased by fangirls for Hetalia is starting to be a very popular. Randi and the girls inspired me to do this for I love the military like outfits the cast wears and its a very funny anime that spoofs other countries's stereotypes.
Thats my story gang, Peace.