I've moved to a new blog

Dec 02, 2008 22:18

Never thought i'd say that. 5 years ago i thought blogging was dumb/lame/not for me i have nothing to type.

I'm now on xanga and under a horrendous name too:

I joined these things out of peer pressure.
My peers who roped me into LJ have now deleted their LJ blogs. It's been that long.

My peers on xanga are die-hards. They've been on it since high school. I have resisted going on xanga since 1999. that's...9 years??!?!?

Now I have Xanga, LJ, FB and just applied to blog on Nature Network.
one of these days i'll cave and have myspace, msn spaces and eblog...

BTW, for you sci geeks, i highly recommend joining Nature Network
It's part of Nature magazine's on-going web domination. No joke. There are profs, postdocs & grad students who've joined, and nature editors who blog about FB chain meme's. (http://network.nature.com/people/henrygee/blog/2008/12/02/encodyfication)

k, the best part is that you can join webforums and bitch about kits and qualified ppl will come to your aid.
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