Apr 15, 2004 01:11

Could someone tell me why my introduction post is immortalized in Nosgothic Realm's Forum to save threads, but NOT my post on how Raziel was going to go back in time and become the spirit that infests the Reaver? That was met with derision with my peers yet prooven right much later?

Something is going to happen to the purified blade, leaving unpurified Raziel there--after the elder god gets his tentacles served up in a sushibar.

I half suspect that the Elder God is NESSICARY. That there is some truth to his "Engine of life" schpiel. There is, after all, something to be said for oblivion, ne?

I wonder how "healed" kain is. Obviously still a vampire. But is he pure enough to go blue?

Is it just me or do the Hylden souls look confused in the spectral Realm?


Janos has to come back, again. The Reaver revived him, yet supposedly the Reaver is insane. So either absorbin elements is "healing" it's mind, or janos is going to make a large impact on raziel that will survive the insanity intact enough to WANT to heal Janos. After all he wasn't on too good terms with Janos when he revived him, and didn't seem too sorry.

Who knows, maybe he eats Janos' soul and is "throwing it up" there.

I don't think the Elder God made Raziel, which seems odd to me that some people thinks so. The LoK team said Kain survived without a heart because he is the scion of balance, why couldn't Raziel survive the abyss because he is the hero?

I wonder what color Janos' soul is? Hylden are green, and humans are white. Is it other species or other planes of existance that determine this?

And what if Vampirisim is really Hyldenism?

Let's suppose that the Hylden really aren't part of the wheel naturally, like was surmised from the murals.

Look at the Seer in BO2, and look at the Hylden zombies in Defiance. She doesn't have wings, THEY do. I know that the LoK serries loves to change character models but I don't think this is a mistake.

I think the Hylden go though development stages and metamorphases.

I say that "Vampirisim" was in essance what the Hylden have. They inflicted their state of being on the Vampari (It's what the wild people say, I assume it means Vampire and since they are in the citidel I think it's closer to the orginal word). Well an altered version of their state.

Their seperation from the wheel. Their metamorphing stages, which comes into light when passed down to humans.

It also explains Raziel's Hylden/Vampari thing. His wings were Hylden, but could have evolved further into the fused bone Vampari wings.

And the Immortality. The Hylden are immortal because of the demon dimension, and the Vampires/vampari are immortal because of the curse. But following my line of reasoning, if the Hylden weren't immortal then neither would the anchients be.

No other prediction for now.
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