Feb 04, 2007 22:02
So.. It's about -25 out right now. About -35 with the wind chill. My door has been rattling all day, but it's honestly starting to sound like someone is banging on it.
I honestly don't think I'm gonna go out this week without some form of body armour. I went to the Mandarin last night, and my legs and feet are still chilly.. I only had on jeans, socks, and sneakers for protection.. If I wore my boots then I'd have been fine, but I wasn't expecting having to stand next to the door for an hour because there were tons of fuckers there.
It was good though. Pepper steak is now on my list of edible things. Vegetable fried rice is still my favourite of mandarin foods.
I got some new models yesterday. Two heroclik chicks I've converted into space marine scouts, an empire guy who looks just like a space marine, and a daemonhost (because i figured i could use him as a mission objective)
i think i'm gonna buy heroclik people from now on. they were only 2$ each, and only took an hour or two to convert..
the empire fantasy guy looks badass. two hammers and robes under his knight armour. i'll have to take a pic once he's painted.
my daemonhost looks bad because i tried to paint him like the daemon he's modelled after..