Jan 26, 2012 07:04
So I was thinking...
All along Tezuka was training Kaidou to become more independent, powerful and all that stuff to be worthy of the buchou title, and we get to know all if this just NOW?? Like in now we have time, let's show that, why not, flashbacks are good, ja? Not to mention of course that the manga says nothing about this, but eh, who cares, at least the anime fills up somewhat the illogical actions of that monthly 'lenghty' chapters, ahn?
But why needed Kaidou run extra laps, pray tell? I mean we know he runs at least 30 km every day (at the beginning of the series, so it might be more, and knowing him and Inui, it IS probably more...) Or Tezuka wanted Kaidou to be a robot toast just like him, with inhuman efforts and all that jazz? (not that Kaidou's efforts were human to begin with...)
Though I admit that showing him that the long drawn out matches with reserving one's energy instead of attacking head on was a good part to prove that for a future buchou one must consider, adjust and be comfortable with different playstyles, not just one's own and preferred one.