Young Snape Actor! or My Opinion on the OotP Casting News

May 25, 2006 19:52

Finally we know who plays teenage Snape in OotP. And he's pretty much perfect, IMHO. Alec Hopkins:

Look at the eyes:

Look at the guy:

Look at the way he's standing:

Taken from his MySpace.
Got the link from femmequixotic. But it's very easy to google. Well, privacy is not the the purpose of MySpace, I'd say.

ETA: And he reacted. It's friends only. I hope nobody scared him. I guess he or some friends of him read all the gossip online, most likely.
Erm, poor boy. Take it with humor!

I can't wait to see how he looks in full mask and costume.

This is what he's saying about Alan Rickman on a friend's MySpace:
ummm i spent yesterday hangin with alan rickman which was pretty fuckin lush like a penis in the ass kinda lush.

[hehehe hehe he, and then]

yeh hes well serious about actin but he made jokes and laughed alot and is really cool. he was really nice to me and made sure i was ok. iv said hello to others like dan radcliffe and emma thompson and they r all pretty sound too

Also, he says he has a two month casting break. Why would they do that? It's one scene, isn't it? Why wouldn't they shoot it at once?

This might be James Walters, who plays Sirius:

I'm not sure if it's true. Somebody on the internet said so. : /
I think it could be him though, because he does look like Gary Oldman, doesn't he? They have to make sure he looks pretty in the movie, but I guess they will. You can't pretend that the young Gary Oldman was some kind of beauty god. A god he may be, but no beauty god.

As a reminder Lily and James:

Pretty okay. The casting people always did the best job out of everyone in the Potter movies. And I'm still not complaining.

So this pretty boy, who was rumored as Remus some time back, was not really the one? Aw, but he would have been too pretty anyway.

Oh, Helena Bonham Carter as Bellatrix. I'm a bit disappointed that they had to change the actress, but on the plus side, it's Helena Bonham Carter and she is always great.
She is what most fans wished for in any case. She would have been too old for Merope, and seriously, they couldn't have made the whole Potter series without her, she would have felt left out.

And a pic of her, because what the heck:

I think I could see her as an evil witch.

hp movies, hp

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