Yesterday I've seen the X-Files movie and have to admit I liked it! It's not a fantastic movie for the ages, probably, but it's definitely more of the good old X-files! Disgusting and thrilling with the most likable and photogenic leading couple, working through their eternal doubts and issues.
I don't know why I somehow have this age old article saved in my mind that made the point of how much it wouldn't work to see Scully and Mulder snuggle up in bed and discuss a case. I guess it's because I really thought about that assertion. After all they are free to get together and in love, why would it be silly for them to be? And you know, I think it' just isn't silly. It's logical and everything is fine as long as they are on a last name basis! Like a good manipulable member of the audience I noticed their relationship was off and unbelievable in the way it was presented before the "old couple" reveal! After that everything made sense in hindsight alright.
Anything else I got to add.. LOL @ the Mulder fangirl. Yay, Skinner. That's so weird that they have a movie come out in summer in which it is snowing all the time! One thing this movie could have had more of is dry humor to counterbalance all the angst.
All in all I had a great time and I'd watch another movie with pleasure if they care to make one. For now, I'll look if I can find other posts about this one.
Also, the HBP trailer comes out tonight! If I don't post anything about it within 24 hours of it's appearance on youtube, consider me deeply disappointed.