So The Golden Compass rather flopped with the critics? I honestly didn't think that it was a bad movie. Lyra was very Lyralike, which means she was absolutely adorable. The ice-bear riding scene was almost as breathtaking as in the book. That creepy golden monkey was seriously creepy, as was his human. The zeppelins et al. looked wonderful... I was pleased.
The one thing that really annoyed me was the explanation in the beginning. Why would it be important to know that this is another world and people in our world actually don't have visible animal souls. I mean O RLY? (And if they had mentioned the words "a Golden Compass" one more time, an vein on my forehead might have burst.) But then I read people complain about the movie being hard to follow... The n00bs I saw the movie with definitely had no trouble following.
I spend a significant time of the movie being worried about seeing Roger die. :( I wasn't unhappy that it was cut off. Although the opportunity to rage about Lord Asriel was taken from me. I swear I love to hate the guy!
Other than the ending being cut off, I don't know what people mean by the movie being toned down. What would be toned down? The Gobblers are just as evil as in the book, the Magisterium just as catholic...
Maybe I just don't care enough about His Dark Materials and therefore can't rage about all the injustice like a proper fan.
Also, I managed to catch up on Heroes, probably minus two episodes somewhere in the middle. Thank god for the writers strike, so I had a chance to do that. :p
Oh, Mr. Bennet! He is the best character by far! Tragically he is the best character by far, not only because he seriously rocks, but also because the others largely really don't. I see that Peter is desperately trying to make Mohinder look smart by comparison, but I wish he would stop that! "But he healed Nathan! He heeeealed my Nathan!!!" He is easier to manipulate than the average 3 year old - or even Mohinder, but I get it, he really loves his Nathan.
I assume his Nathan is going to be healed again? Although, I guess I and they could do without him. Now that he is no longer morally ambiguous and considering that he never was stupid, he doesn't really fit in the show any longer. :p If he can always just tell Peter how to save the world, what do we need the other heroes for? On the other hand morality is a fluid and easily changeable concept and maybe this near death experience will make him see the darkness again.
Mama Petrelli is fun. For some reason her sons being dead seems to be very important to her. As long as you kill at least one of her sons, she is happy. She should have seen someone about that baby blues back in the day.
Elle Bell and her daddy issues are cute enough. I'm looking forward to seeing her end Bob at some point.
Do I have to say anything about Hiro? He is fine, even if not as awesomtastic as in the first season, as there can be no awesomtasticness next to Mr. Bennet.
Sylar is sylary, and I fully approve! "Your father, who betrayed me. Don't make the same mistake, Mohinder." *happy sigh*
All in all the show is fun!
Now I would love to read everyone's reaction posts on my flist, but I'm probably seriously too late to find them. :/ I can try! (Link me?)