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sorry ranty... mirasango September 5 2011, 16:31:50 UTC
Can we have Ginger as a main character from now on?

I agree with this.

I loved reading this summary because it details a lot of what is driving me crazy lately. I used to enjoy True Blood but this season is so annoying. There are maybe 2 or 3 characters at this point I can tolerate and the only one I really love is Pam oh and Jess. Beel has annoyed me for several seasons, but Eric has gone off the rails. I am convinced he's a pod person now, pod vamp? because his whole scene with Pam last night had me going :|

Then when they launched into suicide pact crap I just totally checked out, what the hell? There is no motivation for it. So they are in love? Beel sure seems to be in love (yea right, he's thought of her all season sure..) and Eric she basically turned him away (again) last week. He needs get his BAMF self back because just ugh. He's pathetic at this point. As I said last night in a comment: what is so awesome about Sookie that she would warrant these two fools to commit suicide? Are they serious? I have no idea who is writing this show but they need new writers, the characters are barely resembling themselves. Maybe if they stopped spending time with Terry and Andy at the Fort there would be more time for character development of the main characters so there might be a reason for their actions. As it is it's very thrown together.

We need Russell back; he would have handled Marnie and there would be no crying suicide pack. And he probably would have saved everyone inside (nevermind they'd become dinner) the point is he had style.

Also weren't Sookie and Pam friends in the books?

Pam should be sherrif. I agree. Jess could be Queen. And the boys could be left in their coffins for 75 years, Sookie should be gone by then. Then they could come out and play again. Sookie has a good life marries has a happy life.

I am just so disgusted... I will watch the finale but I am not sure I will be back for Season 5. Sure Eric is handsome but he's being annoying and exceedingly stupid now.

Don't even get me started on the side characters; at least Alcide finally got rid of Debbie. Maybe he can inherit a personality.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if Toothpick Von Wood from Merlottes was a character next year. Hell he could hang out with the fairy ladies who magically appear in the middle of the woods randomly in Disney Princess attire.

Seriously, what was the scene with Cinderella and Andy?


Re: sorry ranty... satellite6 September 5 2011, 17:46:56 UTC
"Then when they launched into suicide pact crap I just totally checked out, what the hell? There is no motivation for it. So they are in love? Beel sure seems to be in love (yea right, he's thought of her all season sure..) and Eric she basically turned him away (again) last week. He needs get his BAMF self back because just ugh. He's pathetic at this point. As I said last night in a comment: what is so awesome about Sookie that she would warrant these two fools to commit suicide?"

Yes yes yes! It was the worst scene in the history of True Blood. How ridiculous. I'll hang in there in hopes of this mess being cleaned up, but I have lost respect for both Eric and Beel at this point.

The scene with Andy and the fairy in the woods? Awkward and bizarre. I don't even care what it's about, just please make it go away. *ugh*


Re: sorry ranty... nemesisofamor September 5 2011, 21:01:52 UTC
I'm still annoyed that those Disney-faerie-trolls EXIST!


Re: sorry ranty... greenbloodbitch September 5 2011, 18:52:12 UTC
"If makers don't listen to their progenies they tend to do stupid bullshit. And/or be general assholes.
I'm not gonna names names, but *cough* BillandEric *cough*"


I can't fucking believe last night's episode. I'm still sorta reeling from the stupid.


Re: sorry ranty... nemesisofamor September 5 2011, 20:33:56 UTC
I'm still a little enraged about Eric. Seriously, to Pam. How dare he?


Re: sorry ranty... greenbloodbitch September 5 2011, 20:49:47 UTC
He has already started turning into Beel 2.0 with the googly-eyed dairy maid obsession.


Re: sorry ranty... nemesisofamor September 5 2011, 21:04:10 UTC
He has. I don't get why most people seem to blame Sookie for everything those two do/fuck up. Didn't Bill just tell her to stfu when she tried to interject with the whole suicide pact? She didn't get it either. It's just her idea of love to be ready to die for someone by now. It's what she does, it's what Beel taught her, it's what movies love to use as a romantic big move. It's bullshit.


Re: sorry ranty... greenbloodbitch September 5 2011, 22:06:47 UTC
"I don't get why most people seem to blame Sookie for everything those two do/fuck up."

because causing them to fall in ~twue wuv with her and her special fairyness is what makes them stupid lol...at least that is why I blame her. :P I know she can't help the fairy part, but she could at least, idk...have a better grip on the concept of healthy love? But like you said, all she knows is what Beel taught her...and since this is True Blood she isn't exactly going change or grow or learn anything different lol :P


Re: sorry ranty... nemesisofamor September 5 2011, 22:47:44 UTC
She's only had two relationships, both have been fake in a way and both have not really shown her the person she was with. Also: Both were with cold-hearted killers from different centuries who had the ability to lull her in and make her believe anything, while feeding her their blood. At some point I'm wondering if she's even in love with either one of them or if she just has no choice but to feel that way.
Sookie is 25 and really naive and inexperienced. Those two are way older, experienced as shit and should know better. That's why I don't see a point in blaming Sookie - also, after all the abuse she's been through because of them? Sounds like victim-blaming to me.


Re: sorry ranty... greenbloodbitch September 5 2011, 22:58:13 UTC
it is victim-blaming lol, but book!Sookie went through the same BS and is still a strong independent character and so much cooler overall...that's my beef.

Also at this point, I think everyone hates on Sookie not just because of the romance melodrama, but because she's been such a lame dumbass Mary-sue for 4 seasons now.


Re: sorry ranty... nemesisofamor September 6 2011, 01:06:12 UTC
True in a way, Sookie has her bad moments. I like her though. And I just see a pattern with everyone blaming Eric's behaviour on her.
Also, I read the books. I actually thought Sookie and Eric were textbook examples of Mary Sue and Vamp Gary Stu (with some nice one-liners on the site) after a while. I also don't get why book 4 is supposed to be magical and the season 4 romance of Sookie is called cheesy, dull and OOC for Eric in comparison, because that's exactly what I thought of the entire book 4. I was really bored and annoyed with it.


Re: sorry ranty... greenbloodbitch September 6 2011, 02:13:45 UTC
I hear ya. I just personally prefer the books in many ways lol...I'm like that for most tv shows/movies :P


Re: sorry ranty... nemesisofamor September 6 2011, 13:37:37 UTC
I'm the same with movies, but the opposite with TV shows. All the books I've read that TV shows were based on were really shitty.


Re: sorry ranty... sarah_fbi September 6 2011, 10:28:46 UTC
OMG I feel the same way and thought I was alone lol! I hate the fact that everyone seems to blame her when it's totally not her fault! She's just a girl looking for love and obviously in the wrong places. Poor girl, always being taken advantage of.

ps. I adore Pam! She rocks, I really wish she gets more screen time!


Re: sorry ranty... nemesisofamor September 6 2011, 12:52:18 UTC
Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees it. People do this blame-the-girl move a lot, while drooling over all the male characters, no matter what they do. From a rational pov it makes zero sense.


Re: sorry ranty... danceonstardust September 6 2011, 03:02:52 UTC
THANK YOU. Everyone has been blaming Sookie and I don't see the whole point of it all. Of course Pam is blaming Sookie but she should have blamed Eric for this madness. Beel, well he's just horrible anyway. haha.


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