Anger, Jealousy, Hate, Bitterness, Hope, Lust, Love. It's conceptual, maybe you can see it.

May 24, 2010 03:57

First of all, no this is not about favourite couples.
It's simply a list of my favourite ralationships over all in The Tribe. 
I don't ship have of them, or at least not much ;)

Ok, lets get to it:

12. A truly supreme obsession 

I don't ship them. I don't like them as friends, or allies or whatever they were. But I
still love their weird cat-and-mouse relationship that evolved around fanatic believe,
power, seduction and never reall being honest with each other.
And I love Tai San even more for her naive belief that she could
"cure" the Guardian of his Power&Chaos trip.

11. You like power, don't you?

They should have stayed friends. (The only alternative I take is that Tai San becomes
friends with Moz. I just like the idea, even if they barely ever met.) Tai San's way of
understanding, of healing and forgiving Ebony was really touching is TT2.
Later on, it evolved into toxic remarks and a deep mistrust for each other's motives,
similiar to the early season 2, which was also interesting.

10. Strange&Beautiful

Another underused connection. Jack's super-scientific, sarcastic personality and
Tai San with her head in the clouds clashed more than just one time, but they still
had a visible affection for each other, even if they thought the other one was
the strangest person ever.

09. The magic first time

Yes, I love them. Still do. Best first-love-ship of TT ever (except for Martin/trudy and that was
one-sided so it can't count). I loved them as a reporter team, virus investigators and as a couple
of super-sweetness.

08. Power&Chaos, baby!

They were electrifiying. Great as lovers, allies, rivals, even enemies.
And in a way, they were more Power&Chaos than the Locos and Chosen
together. Why? Because they accidentally founded the Chosen, never really
got over the issues from their non-break up, never fully trusted or even liked
each other, but there was some crazy magnetism, that seemed to bring them
back together again and again. For some reason.

07. "You had everything!"

Girl-rivalries in TT seemed to be consisting of liking the same boy, ending in cat fights
and a lot of tears. Not so my favourite rivals (Yes, I thought of putting Ebony/Moz in that
place, but there were only 12 positions open and this age-old feud was the inital set-up
for so many story-lines!) These two girls seemed to hate, fear and trick each other with
a passion, that I truly miss in the later TT seasons.

06. The same deep water as you

Bray and Tai San had so much underused potential! They could have the same kind
of humor, both sorta liked meditating and had the same saviour-complex, even if they
practised it differently. There was flirty potential, great team work with the antidote
and a deep trust, even if they never got to know each other as well as they should
have in my opinion. Plus, they both had this mad martyric-at-all-cost believe in
season 3, which was really fascinating.

05. The Unlikely Soulmates

My one canon otp. The other is Broz. (Yes, that's canon. What you don't remember that? XD)
I loved their marriage, affair, strange, radiant chemistry and the whole opposites-attract that
they portrayed perfectly in every detail. BUT I also loved it when they seemed to be appalled
by each other at first, had fights and staring contests.

04. Ok, so you take two hothead-alphamales, stuff them into a Mall...

.... and then act suprised when they go crazy! It'll be so much fun! They'll yell
and bitch and fight and maybe take their shirts off a lot! (No, this is not meant
to mean I want them to hook up. Tss... you guys and your fantasy *lol*)

03. Who the f*ck do you think you are? 

You might have noticed by now that I love hardcore-rivalries. Ok, this time I'm all for a hook-up!
But weirdly I also love them when they fight like crazy, try to kill each other and stuff.
You know, fun spare-time activities!

02. Try sorting that into a category

Let's see - I ship them Pre-Tribe and past season 5 (see my FF list). I love their psycho-drama
of season 1, but also their deep affection for each other at the time. They're awesome friends
in season 2 and season 3... I lost track of what they are in season 3. All of the above, I think,
plus enemies, family (sorta) , desperate, unpredictable... you name it.
(Btw, they beat Broz by the multitude of relationship-models they went through!)

01. I'd do anything for you. Anything. 

Yes, they are and will always represent the most intriguing TT-relationship for me. And if
you think I'd even remotely ship them, please leave this journal now and go to some 
Supernatural-Fandom. I hear that's ok there.

Bray/Zoot were so underused in TT, it's criminal. They had classic jealousy and
rivalry issues, seemed to hate each other at the same level that they loved each other.
I don't think Bray ever got over his guilt, or the loss itself after Zoot died. Which makes the
scene in the torture-dia room the second creepiest of TT3, only after the one where the G
wants to kill Bray "for Zoot". Who litterally died for his brother and surely wouldn't have
wanted that, Jaffacakes!

It's sort of hard to say, and maybe hard to read, but maybe Bray took care of Brady
because of Martin, and just of him. He didn't form a lasting relationship with her, only
cared a lot for her in the beginning and when she was kidnapped there were two clear
things happening in his head: 1 - innocent baby might be in danger. 2 -my last connec-
tion to Martin is cut. Both seemed equally strong and that's saying a lot with Bray's
I-have-to-be-a-frickin-24/7/365-hero attitude!

picspam, fanart, the tribe

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