I have all these things I wish were true or I wish I had or whatever, and I finally thought, pah, let's make them into this one list.
They range from the absolutely trivial and superficial to the deep. No particular order, either, just me rambling.
1. Pinnochio. This is actually my number one wish in life. Although I'm not sure I spelled it right, go figure.
2. Failing number 1, top surgery nao.
3. And T. Naturally.
4. Someone to love and who loves me back. Romantic love; I have a lot of amazing friends.
5. Time and money to go shopping. I need to get yarn for Ben's scarf.
6. To be done with my knitting project so that I could start Ben's scarf.
7. To have this stupid women's studies paper done. Or to have it disappear into thin air.
8. Not to have women's studies at all. Damn boring class.
9. To not feel so damn awkward all the time. Stupid social cues.
10. To write a book.
11. The ability to naturally keep my things neat.
12. More scenes like the one in my default icon. /grin.
13. To be able to sing.
14. To be able to hear music. It's pretty rare a song affects me at all, and I can't hear note differences and such.
15. To hear Ben's voice sometimes. I wuv his voice. /sigh.
16. To lose weight. I'm heading into the severely overweight category. Damnit.
17. To have this stupid hill disappear.
18. Not to have sucky ligaments.
19. Children. Oh god, I want kids SO BAD. /whimpers.
20. To be held and told it's okay to cry.
Eh, I can't think of anything else I really really wish for. I mean, there's winning the lottery and such, but those above are really... Idk. It's just what I want.