(no subject)

Jun 05, 2010 00:38

Years ago, There was a Large scale war on an Island that floated in the sky. What was the war about? Who was fighting? That is something that might never be known...Nor Will Curly herself remember on her own.

All she remembers is her name. She woke up in the Sand Zone, surrounded by rabbit like creatures, Mimigas. They were all no older then 10 years old and looked frightened. Curly took them to a near by building, a old bar, and took care of them from that point on. She renamed each of them and they used those names proudly, Comma, Asterisk, Hyphen and Semi, aged 9, 7,7 and 4. She taught them how to defend themselves after the first robot came to hurt them.

One day when Curly was out getting provisions for the children, She spotted another robot. She hurried back to the bar and told the children to prepare for a fight. When the robot showed up, they attacked and lost. Curly had a feeling of dread at this, thinking for sure the robot would kill them all. Luckily for her, the robot was working with other Mimigas and on a mission. She offered the robot her Machine Gun but was refused. Curly watched him go on his way and turned back to her children once more.

A few days later they were attacked again by Misery and all her children were captured. She was thrown into the Labyrinth in bad shape. She was found by the Doctor and Nurse who were down there and out on bed rest. When the robot came and found her once more, She admitted what happened with sadness, barely overhearing the doctor asking him to do something for her. He returned and left and was given the item they had requested. Once she was back on her feet, she chased after the other Robot, hoping she could help him. With her and Balrog's help, They all escaped to the end Labyrinth.

She and the robot went through the rest of the Labyrinth, fighting side by side. She felt like that had happened before and like it was meant to be so she fell into the role quickly. As they got further and further in, they found a room that seemed eery and found more robots like them around, destroyed. The Core attacked them and once they defeated it, they found out what they had done. Once Curly noticed the other Robot drowning, she quickly gave him her water shield so he could continue on. She quickly succumbed to flooding.

Once she was drained and awoke she was quite pleased and thanked him before falling asleep once more, unknowing of what was going on during the point in time. Unknowing that she was lost once more.

When she awoke once more, She had no memory and Once again, the other Robot came to her rescue and was asked to find a mushroom that could restore memories. He did so and she remembered everything, The other robot's name, Quote, Why they were they were there and what for, To destroy the Daemon crown. With that, she offered the Iron Band to Quote, to tie them together once more. She wasn't sure why..but she knew it would come in handy and bring them together once she was needed again.

She appeared in the Sacred Grounds, passed out. When Quote found him, She was strapped to his back, waiting for her to awaken. Once she did, she was handed the Nemesis to help out through the area, fighting along side Quote like she used to do with a grim look on her face.

Once they reached the Seal chamber where Ballos stood waiting for them, she paused, listing to his story before the two forces waged war on each other, fighting desperately to stay alive. Form after form they fought on, unsure if it was even possible to kill him. When Ballos exploded finally, the island stopped falling. They had done it! But...the room started to come in on them. But they were saved by Balrog who helped them escape. He flew them out and away from it all.

NOTE- Names and Ages of the Children borrowed from a FanFiction.
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