^I swear, I won't say you love me or anything of the sort (even though we both know you do) anymore. I'll just update like a nice little girl
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Main Entry: phal·lic Pronunciation: 'fa-lik Function: adjective 1 : of or relating to phallicism 2 : of, relating to, or resembling a phallus 3 : relating to or being the stage of psychosexual development in psychoanalytic theory during which a child becomes interested in his or her own sexual organs
Main Entry: phal·lus Pronunciation: 'fa-l&s Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural phal·li /'fa-"lI, -"lE/; or phal·lus·es Etymology: Latin, from Greek phallos penis, representation of the penis; probably akin to Latin flare to blow -- more at BLOW 1 : a symbol or representation of the penis 2 : PENIS
Adjective 1. Of, relating to, or resembling a phallus. 2. Of or relating to the cult of the phallus as an embodiment of generative power: phallic worship. 3. Of or relating to the third stage of psychosexual development in psychoanalytic theory, from about ages three to six, during which gratification is focused on sensations associated with the genital organs. The phallic stage is preceded by the anal stage and followed by the latency period.
thats what phallic means!!!!!!! 8-O alex is a HUGE 8=====> and HAS A small 8->
I thought so... brennan, stfu, and sarah, when discussing both me and Dan, in no case should I be the one thinking phallic thoughts. It's danny, for freakin sakes.
Comments 5
Pronunciation: 'fa-lik
Function: adjective
1 : of or relating to phallicism
2 : of, relating to, or resembling a phallus
3 : relating to or being the stage of psychosexual development in psychoanalytic theory during which a child becomes interested in his or her own sexual organs
Main Entry: phal·lus
Pronunciation: 'fa-l&s
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural phal·li /'fa-"lI, -"lE/; or phal·lus·es
Etymology: Latin, from Greek phallos penis, representation of the penis; probably akin to Latin flare to blow -- more at BLOW
1 : a symbol or representation of the penis
1. Of, relating to, or resembling a phallus. 2. Of or relating to the cult of the phallus as an embodiment of generative power: phallic worship. 3. Of or relating to the third stage of psychosexual development in psychoanalytic theory, from about ages three to six, during which gratification is focused on sensations associated with the genital organs. The phallic stage is preceded by the anal stage and followed by the latency period.
thats what phallic means!!!!!!! 8-O alex is a HUGE 8=====> and HAS A small 8->
brennan, stfu,
and sarah, when discussing both me and Dan, in no case should I be the one thinking phallic thoughts.
It's danny, for freakin sakes.
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