
Mar 03, 2005 21:42

Deep into that darkness peering, long
I stood there wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal
ever dared to dream before.
-- Edgar Allan Poe

In other words, life sucks, men should be neuture, and teachers should be killed...but thats just mai opinion....anywhooz, nothing new in life...heres some realization i just have...

1. why is it we always ended up falling for the wrong person, or the RIGHT person, but at the wrong tym???
2. no one can be bad at sex, you can be bad at foreplay, but not sex. i mean, how hard can it be to either open ur legs or stick it in the right spot? i mean, honestly
3. our life is run by our pride, how much happier would we be if pride doesn't matter and we do only wut we pleases
4. human only wants wut they cant have, and they only forgets about the things they do have...
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