(no subject)

Jan 22, 2005 22:37

wellpz, yesterday was mai B-day >.< hehe, i'm finally 16. so yeah, lets see, started off the day by doing a presentation for ap bio of the body defense system, then got soo nervous (big suprise) and starts to talk fast and noncoherent >.<, kekke, it was kinda funny now that i think about it...

then spent mai nutrition and half an hour of 4th period in the nurses office cuz i had a bloody nose that wouldn't stop bleeding, and got accuse of having someone sock me in the nose, which i find hilarious, and that i was sniffing coke thats why i'm bleeding. LoL. yup, that was fun having got accuse of sniffing too much coke, considering the person who accuse me is known for her habits.

so yeah, then at lunch i got into the discussion of whut i would do i ever to grow a dick with mona, xiomora, and carolyn. lolz, and lets put it this way, anything i can think of, i will try. ^_^ and since i'm flexible enough, that includes a bj. kekke then there was the discussion about implants. lolz, and i decided that if i were to get one, i'd make it pop 24-7. kekke, i mean why bother if it just hangs ya know?

anywhooz, so in sixth carolyn, matt, marc, and i were talking about random stuff, and one thing lead to anouther and carolyn starts talking about how she would like to shit on her lover if he turns out bad in bed. LoL, funny shit.

after skool, i went to the mall to watch a movie with carolyn and mona. in the car, i told mona about mai lil past experience with carolyn on how she once proposed that if she has a winnie, can she shove it in mai pooh >.<. lolz, which was pretty funny cuz mo couldn't stop laughing. so yeah, got the the mall, and then we were talking about carolyn's lil fantasy about shitting on her lover, then these two guys were walking from behind us and past us heard it and was like, "ewww...." lolz, that was funny.

hmmm, so yeah, carolyn hated the movie and was pretty much asleep during the movie, lolz, how sad. Elektra wasn't that bad. it wasn't bad at all, it was alright, but its not something i would recommend...so yeah, during the movie, there was this group of annoying gurls whom i just want to shove mai foot up their ass cuz they wouldn't shut the hell up. on top of that, there was this lil boy who is too energetic if u ask me, and keeps making outburst comments OUT LOUD. geez, i hate kids, at least after the age of 7.

then after the movie, i had to leave rite away cuz mai mom made dinner reservation early, and while i was waiting for mai ride, carolyn and mona decides to be mean =( so i stood alone like a loner. lolz, and we made several comments back and forth and gain a few stares. then i threw mai heels at them. lolz, which was hilarious. so yeah, i left and mo and care stayed to shop.


ok, so heres how crappy this morning was. woke up at freaken 7 and went to canoga park high to take the SAT, which btw sucks major d*ck. so yeah, took the damn test, for 4 fuking hours. i guess it wasnt all that bad cuz time moves fast wen u're working ur ass off. and if i was really honest, it wasn't like omg, kill me hard, just hard. but yeah, strange and annoyng events?

1.) i had to sit infront of a chick who reads OUT LOUD. and apparently i'm a faster reader than she is cuz i keep hearing her mummbles the previous passage that i just read. so i had two voices in mai head, fun eh? on top of that, she seems to have a debate with her self wenever shes stuck, again, OUT LOUD. i wanted to turn around and just smacks her already, shesh!

2.) there was this creepy chinese dude sitting across from me, and everytym i turn around during break tym, i see him staring at me. like fuking stares with out blinking stare. and the worst part was i was wearing a pretty low cut v neck sweater on top of mai tank, and the damn sleeve keeps falling off mai shoulder. so i had to put on mai jacket ( when it was like freaken 90 degrees in there!!!) cuz he was seriously starting to creep me out.

so yeah, that was mai lil event, i hated every minute i was in that room. who ever invemted the sat should he shot and neutured!!! so anywhooz, the rest of mai day was pretty cool, watch movies with mai bro, got starbucks, pocky, junk food, and chinese movies. lolz, i was like dead the rest of the day.but yup, thats all for this tym entry, LoL, that was a long entry....

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