Analysts say the hard line on crime - notably Mr. Harper's talk about tough jail sentences for young offenders - that may have cost the Tories support in Quebec could end up appealing to voters in the volatile battleground seats of B.C.'s Lower Mainland, perhaps boosting the party toward its coveted majority.
Vancouver-based Mario Canseco, a vice-president at Angus Reid Strategies, says his company's polling has suggested Quebeckers have a more relaxed attitude toward crime, whereas British Columbians have "more hardened views" on such issues as finding parents in contempt of court if they do not attend hearings or participate in the legal process.
"At this stage in the campaign, we are not fighting for people that have political-science degrees. This is not going to be settled by lawyers. This is an issue that's going to be settled by people that talk to their friends over the backyard fence, have a gut reaction to issues," he said.