(no subject)

Aug 05, 2010 08:27

Life's bursting at the seams with things to do.

First priority: moving.
Which apparently isn't easy. I walked by the new apartment yesterday to show it to Eric, and the key didn't work. Correction; the key worked. But there was no handle. I'm as of yet locked out of my own apartment because people are still working there. Not amusing.

Second priority: manga.
I wish I could shred this thing to bits. The artwork is rushed, I don't have time for proper screentoning because every base colouring takes 1.5 hours to distribute over 36 pages, and I don't see myself care either. Deadline's approaching and I just want this over with. But with 40 hours a week and moving as well, I can only make time for this in the dead of night, two times a week at most. And that's when I need my sleep most. Shredding would be best. But others are counting on it, so I'll just finish it up to the best of my ability and get it over with. I wish I could shred this thing.

Third priority: promises.
Drawing for a friend; haven't had time for it. Sister's website; haven't had time for it. But I keep being reminded for it, and it's good that they do, because I'd forget about it otherwise.

I really wish this stupid stress would just go.

(On the other hand, I've never had this much to do in my life, and it's all somehow worth it in the end.)

Looking forward to the day I'm moved in, fully, and am able to take a few days off to celebrate. Also looking forward to the point I'll have internet again in three months or so, because that's when I start looking for a new job. It's all fine, this job, but literal nonstop calling wears me down mentally as well as it does physically.
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