Apr 18, 2010 16:56
April's resolution: lose 15kgs. I used to weigh a very good weight for my bone structure without sports or anything. Just, less consumption. Less sweets. Better drinks. It wasn't that I paid attention to it or went on an anorexic diet. Whatever I ate or drank just sufficed. Smaller portions. Water. Fruit juice. And having enough other things to do to even think about eating.
(Of course, those 15kgs probably take a few years. But never mind! I used to have it once, and I know it's possible again!)
I will still hate salads, though.
... I do have a work outing to a Japanese restaurant soon in which I'm going to ignore this rule massively, however.
So behind on Screnzy. Next time it's going to happen in Dutch. Because it's sjdfhskjdh easier.
Tested a new game at my friend's place yesterday with my sister and my friend's bf, and it's great. Board/card games ARE great.