recovering from the last rant...

Dec 19, 2011 01:06

Yeah, I know, that was a whole lot of vitriol in one small package. Not apologizing, but yeah, definitely need a peppier comeback post.

So, I was thinking about the hair show recently in Korea.

This is...impossibly overdone. Plus, she looks so uncomfortable...I know this is backstage, before that formal "stage look"; is applied, so this is potentially not how the folks in the audience saw this hair piece...but still. Big. Bulky. Heavy. Unwieldy. Cannot fit through doors.

These are all bad terms to describe hair with.

Unknown model; from the 2012 Korea Hair Collection show in Seoul on December 6, 2011. Photographer: Kim Hong-Ji. All Rights Reserved, Reuters.

Rainbow curlers. Alllll over her head. Even she doesn't think this is a good look.

Unknown model; from the 2012 Korea Hair Collection show in Seoul on December 6, 2011. Photographer: Jo Yong-hak. All Rights Reserved, Reuters.

And, if the rainbow curler effect wasn't good enough, how about hair flowers? There's so many, in fact, she almost has a shawl as well as the hair fall...well, flower fall...

Unknown model; from the 2012 Korea Hair Collection show in Seoul on December 6, 2011. Photographer: Jo Yong-hak. All Rights Reserved, Reuters.

I'd be posting at least a few more, but ack for brain-splitting migraine setting in. Off to rest; more later.

hair, fashion, bad fashion

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