Jul 22, 2011 13:12

Finally, the push is on to kill DOMA! And--since this has been my main issue over the years--all I can say, over and over, is FINALLY.

Get involved, stay active, I'll try to post more often, because this is HUGE. All we wanted was the right to marry, as straights marry, and it would have ENDED there had people said "Sure, no problem". Instead, the drama was brought, and almost entirely by straight people.

While their concept of marriage grew weaker, ours grew stronger. We don't want to get married for a weekend. We don't want to get divorced because someone gained a little weight. We want to get married and stay married. We want to support each other, work out our differences, stay together, and never mention the word "divorce".

I'm not saying we're all saints, and that divorce and controversy never happen. But it happens in the gay community far less than it happens in the straight one.

gay rights, human rights, marriage, gay marriage, celebration

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