Okay, can someone with a higher geek factor than I have (and, being a geek m'self, I mean that in the best possible light), explain to me who
Asajj Ventress is? Yes, I know I could look it up, I just want the question answered. Because, seriously--there are monochrome people in Star Wars?
Why Dollhouse sucks. As a Whedonite, I don't know where I fall on the 'enjoyable/unenjoyable' show quotient. I think Dollhouse might well be good once it figures out where it's going, but even more, I think it's better now than a good 80% of the dreck infesting TV now. So if it's a bad show, then nearly everything else (I'd bar Burn Notice, Law & Order, most episodes of Bones and half the Discovery Channel programming--along with Anthony Bourdain--from the "TV dreck" column) is worse.
This is a fun one--
can sleep deprivation be the cause of mental illness? And don't point fingers my way, I'm already crazy, thanks. I mean normal people.
this is a brief but intriguing read on natural headache cures (well, natural-ish). It's tempted me enough to investigate choline when we can as a possible migraine remedy (in addition to everything else it might do).
On that note, I should sleep. Likely going to be dead tomorrow as it is. And thus, she scampers away...
[Late insert edit:
OMG want--see absolutely no way to get, but serious lustified WANT. Just look at those specs...and their customer support team? Based in the US. Ooooh.