So, little bit of an update, in between doing other things.
gwynnthiere and
darth_rosenberg brought over a bag full of crickets for the remaining frog two days ago--the morning after the whole frog controversy. We brought the terrarium down only to realize--no frog.
We don't know who got rid of it or how; but however, it's done now. Frog: gone, likely dead.
crymsin_lilly has quite the hate-on for me. After telling us--baldly, no pretension whatsoever--that if her youngest child wanted to run away we were to let him--she's turned on the proverbial dime once more and decided that her youngest child cannot be left home 'alone' again--because I might harm him somehow.
The house is insanely tense. We all received a sharp and snippy email on shopping and other issues,
zebragrrl answered how we all wanted to, I think, then thought better of it and didn't send it, because she's a civil human being. Cat, on the other hand, sent back this excessively mild, conciliatory response that basically translated to "I understand. Is there anything I can do to help? It's a terrible situation"--and Lilly crawled down her throat with a chainsaw in the several email responses that followed.
Cat's starting to shake every time she has to leave the room. Her therapist is saying she's developing post-traumatic stress disorder. I fume impotently because I cannot protect her from the people who once claimed her as sister, and aunt to their children.
I have nothing, no ideas, no impetus to move forward, nothing--we're still debating over what to do about the seventy-two hour notice. (Which apparently is not quite a seventy-two hour notice--if we pay rent in full by the 25th, then we're clear, for now--but Cat doesn't get her next disability check until the 26th. Now, we could--and intend to--write a check off the funds, because by the time the check is turned in and cleared the funds will be there, there is no doubt. But still.)
And this rather scotches shopping for Thanksgiving, initial plans I'd made for holiday gifts--because we may have to save every penny we get, barring rent, for moving funds--and anything barring the bare minimum for food...which is still a controversy, as Middle Child eats anything that looks vaguely interesting. So if we want food at all beyond ramen, uncooked eggs, cheese and sour cream, we have to hide it in our rooms--which is just insane.
The folks upstairs already keep a fridge in their room so their son can't eat them out of house and home; Winter keeps one in her room so she has some modicum of food she can rely on; we can't afford to pick one up, so we make do, working around whatever he doesn't consume.
It's a nightmare. We're in a nightmare. It's now something I have to consider--is this place, now, better than Gladstone? Because up until recently, the answer had stayed yes...
But of course she has a blog now. Hee!
Monster Lab is the first game in a long time I actually want to play. It sounds like a great deal of mad fun--and I use 'mad' deliberately, the point is to pick a mad scientist, create monsters, and unleash them upon the shrieking townsfolk....err, I mean, have them attack your enemies' monsters.
neo_gabi sent me this one, I have to find the others. This is just deranged. (And
this is episode three,
episode two, and finally,
episode one.)
And we end with a visitation from the land of bad spelling:
animals Bet me the pumpkin's going to be a quarter done and the cat model wanders off.
animals Really. Doesn't even need to be five seconds. Storm's been known to snitch food I'm holding.
animals Sometimes Firefox lets pop-ups slip by. Very shoddy.
I mean, it could be a vicious shrew or something!
animals I have seen this exact look.
animals Hee!
I've been listening to
a lot of
Emilie Autumn of late. *coughs*
More as it happens, I'll keep you updated.