this may, or may not, be a good thing--

Jun 21, 2008 14:22

So tonight, we've booked seventeen people into Arabian Breeze, for marvelous Lebanese food and the every-few-months, we-probably-should-see-'em, family interaction.


In the meantime, via CrunchGear, comes this lovely gem.

pauldrake? No. Just no. You are not allowed--assuming you actually get the Nerf Vulcan--to fire it in the house. NOOOO.

Several people in-world want this as an animated stand. I'm thinking it could be done...

MediaMaster--a way to listen to your music anywhere you can stream. This has been fun.

Arrival of the cute robot.

The world is just awesome.

This is really, really cool--get the gearhead in your life on the job, and you too can have fun at parties with a table, some arcane equipment, and a jarful of gumballs.

But alas, catdancer won't let me have the other sequencer. Because of the level of Furby parts.

Particle Man, Silent Hill version. *snickers*

Silent Hill in a nutshell. AKA, why certain parts of any video game just Don't Make Sense.

Silent Hill in less than a minute!

The Creepy Crawler Thingmaker...explained by Joel and the Bots.

Speaking of Creepy Crawlers...Zombie Girl's Creepy Crawler song...remixed for Silent Hill. (If you're interested in more info on Zombie Girl, check here or the Vampire Freaks entry.)

And vibrating mascara is a BAD IDEA.

Check out photographer Tamar Levine--she's definitely got a great eye for composition.

And see the world's creepiest snow globes. Hee!

Okay, off to get ready! Lebanese and social pleasantries...uh...woo...

terror, art, youtube, family, media, silent hill, weird, mst3k, photography

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