wait, why am I flushing on non-flush niacin?

May 11, 2008 16:12

Man, that's just not FAIR, damn it...

This is one of those random right-now list things (I refuse to name them memes, because they are not memes...) but I hadn't done one in a while.

Right now, these things are true:

10 Favorites
Colour: Black
Flower: Tea Rose
Show: Burn Notice
Sport: Still sumo
Mall: Pioneer Place has an underground mall that rocks
Music: Still in heavy Gackt mode
Food: Macadamia nut ice cream
City: Portland
Season: Autumn
Day: Friday

10 Facts
Birthplace: Los Gatos, California
Current Location: Oregon
Hair Colour: Mahogany (dark brown/light brown/red/blonde/platinum/strawberry/copper)
Hair Length: Shoulder-length (usually braided)
Eye Colour: Chocolate-brown today (they change)
Shoe Size: 9
Sibling/s: Zero
Zodiac: Gemini
Status: Married, bi, poly
Perfume: Clove oil and Burt's Bees almond milk hand creme

10 About Love & Life
Been In Love: Oh, yes
Believe In Love: Absolutely
Broken Someone's Heart: Unfortunately
Why Did Your Last Relationship Fail: He bothered the other loves in my life; I took their advice and told him we could not continue. (Yes, ouch.)
Been Heartbroken: Nearly more often than I've been in love.
Fallen For Your Best Friend: Strangely, no
Loved/Liked Someone But Didn't Tell Them: Pattern of a life, so--yes
Afraid of Commitment: Not usually
Had A Secret Admirer: At least until they tell me, yes
Believe In Love At First Sight: Absolutely

This or That
Pen or Pencil: Pen
Night or Day: Night
Money or Love: Love
Television or Internet: Internet
Juice or Soda: Juice
Rock or Ballad: I'm a sentimentalist, so ballad
Colour or Black & White: Love the drama of monochrome, but color
Wild Night or Romantic Night: Romantic night
Phone or In Person: I have a phone phobia, so in person
One Night Stand or Relationship: Relationship

10 Emotions
Do You Miss Someone Right Now: Yep
Are You Happy: Reasonably
Are You Sad: Not so far
Mood: Mostly good, wondering why I'm niacin-flushing
Do You Cry: Only when I make myself, usually
Do You Scream: When I'm scared
Who Do You Love: catdancer, plus otherloves, close friends, and occasional inanimate objects
Have You Ever Scolded Somebody: In very creative ways
Have You Ever Get Too Excited: Define 'too excited', are we talking gameshow plotzing, or just general spazzing out? I spaz out but I don't completely lose my mind
Do You Like Someone Right Now: Several someones

Book You Read: Dance Macabre by Laurell K. Hamilton
Movie You Watched: Iron Man
Cry: Three weeks back? When Cat was in the hospital.
Happy: Today, laughing with the roomies
Bought: Kettle corn @ Century Theatre
Dream: Two nights ago, that I recall--sitting around talking with people I love who kept removing limbs (it was not a nightmare, this was bloodless detachment), retrofitting them for interesting new things, then reattaching them. I think the main conversation was about who'd win the nomination for President...
Call: neo_gabi
Hugged: pauldrake
Kiss: catdancer

Huh. Interesting.

Two not safe for work links--the fifteen most unappealing porn titles and the twenty-five most disturbing sex toys. Yargh, they're not kidding.

I want to say more but I is tired. So.

more cat pictures

more cat pictures

more cat pictures

*coughs and scurries away*

*scurries back*

Lookit! New mood theme! SQUEE!

It's from ainebarad. Li'l fandom snips from EVERYWHERE.

lists, lolcats, sexuality, wtf, quizzes, weirdness

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