in the jungle of the senses

Jun 01, 2007 18:06

Okay, note for me--and for those who sing, who can interpret--I've got a little more vibrato than I want, and I can only sustain for four beats before coughing again. But I can sustain for those four beats. It's thin, it wavers, it breaks still, but...I'm getting my voice back.

Trust me, for everyone who didn't get what the above means? Means I'm getting better. Slowly but surely.

Now, that thing from the Linden Labs blog I wanted to mention: "Real-life images, avatar portrayals, and other depiction of sexual or lewd acts involving or appearing to involve children or minors; real-life images, avatar portrayals, and other depictions of sexual violence including rape, real-life images, avatar portrayals, and other depictions of extreme or graphic violence, and other broadly offensive content are never allowed or tolerated within Second Life."

Which is still making me want to gather up napalm and toss it freely at the Lindens, but more than that, just confuses the hell out of me. What does it mean? And whose version of "broadly offensive" are we going by? Mine? Well, fecaephilia turns me right off, I think that's a hard limit. But it's not everyone's. And I have two friends who thought necrophilia was just dandy, one who may still, so...does nothing for me, but if it makes them happy...and doesn't hurt people...I mean, where's the line?

And let's talk about something else, this is all virtual here, not real, and what's broadly offensive in the analog has rarely had the same applications in the digital. People have sex with headless girls online. People engage in brutal rape fantasy, the kind that would leave the marks that stay out here. People spew hateful language.

People don't spell properly. Now that offends me, what about everyone else?

It's called an outlet. Safe way to explore the dark corners without actually going out and hurting people. Psychic pressure valves. Serves the same function as going to horror films, gang, and there are few on my friendslist who don't get that comparison.

Sure, there are things on the web I wish would curl up and die. Mary Kate and Ashley references. Reverend Wildmon and his rampaging bozos. Warriors for Innocence, there's a good one. Fox News. Anyone who thinks the American flag needs to be SCREEN-WIDE on their webpages.

But am I campaigning actively for any of these idiots--including Wildmon and his vapid dog-faced daughter--to stop speaking their truth and airing their views?

NO. Much as I'd like to. Because freedom of speech means all speech, gang. Good and bad, those who want women in cages and those who want women free, those who think all "fags" are burning in hell and those who honor diversity.

And the fact that Linden Labs are caving to outside pressure on beyond the pale.

free speech, second life, human rights, anger, stress

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