Or a soap opera....or worse, one of those stupid reality shows...
"This week, on One Step Beyond the Outer Limits of the Fear Factor Twilight Zone Days of Our Lives...our plucky heroine will light the oven on fire, extricate a cat from the younger boy's time machine, and brave the dangers of chili."
Yeeeeah, but you so don't want this one--it's comprised of three cardboard boxes, six cardboard paper-towel tubes, two bits of wire, marbles, and green and yellow paint.
Not really... it sounds much less like fun and more like ...
Say. Are you living a sitcom?
Just askin...
Or a soap opera....or worse, one of those stupid reality shows...
"This week, on One Step Beyond the Outer Limits of the Fear Factor Twilight Zone Days of Our Lives...our plucky heroine will light the oven on fire, extricate a cat from the younger boy's time machine, and brave the dangers of chili."
But I like the Chili...
And you said "time machine". I could use that right about now.
You're right, that would be less than keen.
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