the tragic victim of drug abuse has now been spared for a higher use

Oct 06, 2005 20:12

You Are Changing Leaves

Pretty, but soon dead.
What Part of Fall Are You?

*snicker*. From mythicsagefire.

Nifty Nathan Fillion interview. They're calling him the next Harrison Ford. Woo!

Gaming's Uncanny Valley.

vblackangelv and hank_riker, among others, started experiencing problems getting to PhotoBucket, or seeing Photobucket images. This is part of why.

Is it just me, or does this make Level3 look really, really bad?

What does nematoddity need?

I admit, I gimmicked this one. Why? Because NEMA is a very large electrical organization, and...everything that came up was very boring. So I switched to my real name, and just replaced it (for the poll) with my LJ name.

It got funnier.

Poll What Do I Need?

Whee! Tipped from lemmealone, by way of tea_and_snark.


Look, how the table RISES by itself, COMMANDED into the air from Beyond...The spirits are present and about to...oh.

It's just a table dress.

Covered in rope.

WTF was Yamamoto thinking??

A model presents a design by Japan's Yamamoto during the presentation of his Spring/Summer ready to wear 2006 collection, in Paris. (AP Photo/Michel Euler) (October 02, 2005)

1. Women never want their breasts de-emphasized by an accessory. The bow has to go.

2. I can't decide if that's hair makeup, a weird hair dye job, or some funky barrettes from hell, but lose those too. They make her head look lopsided. Women in general do not want lopsided heads. Especially if they don't have 'em in the first place.

3. Women rarely, if ever, come to board meetings of the Incredibly Boring Accounting Firm or gatherings of the Fuchsia Lovers' Botanical Society and Tea Circle after having fallen under the wheels of the nearest bicycle. In general, streaks of road dirt on the face of someone wearing an otherwise impeccable--if undoubtedly ugly--outfit are just Not Done.

Thanks, Yamamoto. Get back to us when you're off the crack.

A model presents a design by Japan's Yamamoto during the presentation of his Spring/Summer ready to wear 2006 collection, in Paris. (AP Photo/Michel Euler) (October 02, 2005)

Look, everyone! She's been thrown in the mud while wearing camo flounces!

Um. At least it's camo?

I give up, Yamamoto. You're obviously taking more drugs than I am. One of us needs to stop.

A model presents a design by Japan's Yamamoto during the presentation of his Spring/Summer ready to wear 2006 collection, in Paris. (AP Photo/Michel Euler) (October 02, 2005)

AAAAAAH! You're making Galliano look sane! Stop it!!

My gods. The multicolored hair. The black cabling slung haphazardly in places no woman really tends to wear black cabling in the first place.

The sensible shoes.

Make it stop, please make it stop...

I'll just be over here, curled up in the fetal ball. Y'all get back to me when he's done RUINING THE FASHION WORLD.

A model presents a design by Japan's Yamamoto during the presentation of his Spring/Summer ready to wear 2006 collection, in Paris. (AP Photo/Michel Euler) (October 02, 2005)

Oh, look. Here's Yamamoto.

Generally, you can tell a lot about a designer by what they choose to wear after the show. Galliano generally looks freakier than everything he's presented. This guy, though, he seems to be making every effort to look classic, restrained...sane.

Except he's in a suit coat that makes him look three feet tall. What, is he secretly yearning to be an Oompa-Loompa? He's not dressed flashy enough. I don't get it.

Japanese designer Yamamoto greets the audience after the presentation of his Spring/Summer ready to wear 2006 collection, in Paris. (AP Photo/Michel Euler) (October 02, 2005)

I don't know how many people remember the sleeping-bag and pillows-strapped-to-head outfits of a year or so ago. But here's yet another Viktor and, I don't know exactly what to call this...other than "puffy as hell".

A model wears an ensemble by Dutch fashion designers Viktor and Rolf. (AP Photo/Remy de la Mauviniere) (October 03, 2005)

Oh, boy. It's going to be some season in Paris.

fashion, browncoats, quizzes, nathan fillion, polls

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