Sick all day. Lovely. Sadly, I'd love to say I'm hallucinating as well, but alas, no, apparently
Squidbillies is actually a real show. My brain hurts.
Also? Note the icon. Don't worry--it'll make sense when you hit the pictures. How'ver, I think I'm getting better at this PhotoShop thing. :)
What the hell??? This is just...warped. Really
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Go vegetarian? Feel better, lose weight. The only problem I have is that I'm not sure I'm managing my proteins, and I'm having to take much more in the way of vitamins--we're still working on that, because my nails are shot and my hair isn't growing its usual half-inch-per-month (or more).
But beyond that? Yeah. The flush you're picking up is one-third alcohol, one-third sun affect (just actually being OUT in sun, even with sunscreen, causes a skin flush), and one-third happy--which, y'know, I haven't been in a very long while.
Came out one day last week wearing a shirt I hadn't been able to FIT INTO in two years, and told my cousin, that's it, end of debate, I'm staying vegetarian. I may, depending on how the nails grow out, add fish and/or shrimp (at which point I will STOP calling myself vegetarian, damn it!), only because I just realized the borage/flax oil capsule I take daily also has fish oil in it, and that doesn't seem to massively upset my system.
Beyond that, though...staying with the vegetable-based diet. It's groovy.
Something that works! Even better than Topamax brain, hehehe. :) I know that's always a good feeling for me, fitting into something I haven't been able to in a while.
I know I periodically go through "hungry phases" (a/k/a eat-the-kitchen, without the weed) and "zero appetite phases" - like right now, today I've had my vitamins, a bowl of cereal and some pastry/meat thing and I've been otherwise set all day. It's weird, I don't know why it happens, but I just go with it for now...
And when I was first on Topamax, I began eating EVERYTHING...and for me, eating EVERYTHING is eating more than twice a day. (I'm very bad--no correlation between hunger and energy states, for the most part, though I'm getting better at body connection.)
(The memory stuph hasn't gone away. Argh.)
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