post it here

Dec 21, 2021 12:12

something you want/need to tell me that doesn’t fit in any of my post?or introduce yourself in case we don't know each other yet?

or random stuff you wanna say but don’t know where to put?

e.g. the weather is nice today σ(^○^), the moon is pretty (⌒o⌒), I love coffee too! :D, I love you <3.. or.. what a dumbass  (O_O;), you suck D: , I hate you 。°(ToT)°。 hopefully, nothing like the latter. hehe.   ^^;;

comment here~ ^__^

-------- UPDATE 01/20/2016 --------

As I said in my previous post, I decided to keep this blog. At least as much as I can. I got addicted to Code Geass again early 2016 and felt the urge to revisit the old days -- forums, fan sites, etc.. and this. I'm not as active as I used to in the Jmusic / Kmusic community. Posts starting from now might not even be related to them at all. I'm one of those people who used so many usernames (I know, why the hell did I do that) back in my fangirling days. In case, I was meshira from jpopmusic forum.. can't even remember the other names I had. JPM's close to my heart since I think it's the first fandom forum I ever joined. If you knew me then and looking for someone to reminisce with, drop me a message here. I'm not expecting any visitors. Mainly keeping this blog for myself - - my e-time capsule. But I will be very happy to reconnect with anyone.
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