Friday, Friday...

Jan 22, 2010 14:49

We did have a slam last night, dispite Mother Nature's best efforts, congrats to Dwayne for the victory.

I also sent a note to the Mesa peeps to organize hosting for the rest of the "season". Unfortunatley, I have come to the realization that between Anthology, The Movie and 2-3 other Brick Cave Projects on my plate, that they are all suffering in both quality and completion rate. So, hopefully, we'll have some tremendous people picking up hosting and promoting in the next week. If you are interested in helping out, send an email to The Klute. If you don't know who The Klute is, perhaps it is best if you come to a slam first and introduce yourself...

The Movie, working hard to get some effects help, but for the moment I can only control the editing piece of the live action footage, so this weekend will be me buried in the Brick Cave working on getting an unrefined first edit cut, so that I can decide how much more "filler" footage I need to complete the picture. Once the rough cut is done, I can attack the smaller special effects, and get those ready for Primetime. I've been watching alot of Final cut Tutorials, and have learned some new things I will be implementing.

Sharon is off to Orlando for a day (comes back tomorrow night). Aura has to work Tonite (til 7pm), so I am pretty much on my own, which is cool- I will either edit video, crank some Prog Rock on the stereo, or watch a godzilla movie.

Tuesday is Apple Day, and the reality distortion field is already in full effect. The tablet is intruiging, I am in the market for a new laptop, so we will see what it looks like... iPhone on Verizon would put me in serious debt.
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