Jan 06, 2010 10:13
Ok, two "Original" movies opening up this week and the 22nd in Legion (22nd) and Daybreakers (Friday). "original" insomuch as Daybreakers is a reimaging of The Matrix (replace Machines with Vampires), and Legion is a reimagining of Maximum Overdrive (replace trucks with Angels).
I digress, somewhat...
I generally disdain Vampire movies, I think that the Vampire mythology has been trashed and pillaged beyond all recognition, but I liked the premise of Daybreakers, in that it's a unique way of looking at Vampires, if they had taken over the world. Not the chaotic monsters or brooding eternals that can't seem to function.
And I am not well versed in Christian Mythology, but the idea of an army of Angels laying waste to the earth has a sort of attraction to it. Oh, and I think Gabriel always gets a bad rap... what's that all about?
Your thoughts...