(no subject)

Jul 23, 2009 23:52

When Ed's working and the kids are sleeping, I try to get in an hour or two of cardio by walking on the treadmill. Sounds boring? I liven it up by reading, listening to an audiobook or watching a movie on the laptop. How the heck do you think I got through Twilight? Or Australia? Also read lots of old Robin McKinley.

Poll PanicPanicPanicEatsChocolate

To answer your unspoken question, I was really, really determined, that's how I made it through Australia. Hugh Jackman's bod can only take you so far...

BTW, to all of you who watch Dexter (well, actually, none of you watch Dexter, but who else can I tell? Oh, my cousin. I'll tell her next.), I just saw the Season 4 trailer and it looks neat. Lundy! I just knew that John Lithgow was a creepy sociopathic serial killer. Think 3rd Rock.

Also, what do you guys think about Johnny Depp and the new Alice and Wonderland movie? *reserves judgement on that and Sherlock Holmes*

And also again. My teen neighbor borrowed my Inuyasha movies. She looked at them all dreamy-eyed. There's hope for the up and coming generation then.

EDIT: Ed fixed treadmill today. Yay! But then, Blinkin also pooped on it tonight. Boo. I know the dog is 16 years old but she's been missing her training pads for two months now and it's too much of a coincidence that she goes directly beside the pad. (we also let her out five-ten times per day) And now the freaking treadmill. She is out to get me. Maybe it was the feather boa and crown I allowed Anna to dress her in the other day, but whatever.
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