
May 23, 2008 21:30

Anna caught The Golden Girls on tv one morning and now loves the show. Cross you fingers that she won't ask why they're always talking about sleeping with men. Anna's vocabulary is expanding and language acquisition can be a funny thing. The other day she wanted to say a nightly prayer for "people who were digesting, people in wheel chairs, and ( Read more... )

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inuhanyounikkie May 24 2008, 04:15:28 UTC
Be afraid ... be very afraid!! *cringes* I found that to be one show I couldn't stand... I guess its one of those either you like it or don't things.

I did giggle over the sweet prayers Anna was saying! *Digesting*!!! Brillant!

For the Groove.. just let it come to you on its own..


nelson_bannaba May 24 2008, 18:12:07 UTC
Couldn't stomach the exploitaton of the elderlies?

That digesting, just awful!


inuhanyounikkie May 24 2008, 19:49:48 UTC
Worse!! I wanted to move into a senoirs home... *sobs*

*snickers* Could have been the worst one though... gas...


nelson_bannaba May 25 2008, 04:20:29 UTC
Those places are germy and smell funny.


inuhanyounikkie May 25 2008, 13:24:01 UTC
Really?? *shivers*


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