I lost my car keys and now I Believe. After nearly an hour of turning the car upside down, my keys suddenly turned up in my diaper bag that I'd checked at least a dozen times already. This has happened before, but I definitely think I heard the giggling of little pixies or fairies this time. So again, I'm a believer now - small pixie, go away now, your job is done here.
I'm attending a non-fictional narrative writing course with my sister.
This is one of the n-f narratives were were supposed to read for last night - warning: it's sad, graphic. It meets every Thursday and so far has been super, except for the part at the end when Ed called me with pitifully screaming children in the background. Hmph, I may drop out and take it this summer instead. Anyway, one of the things we talked about last night was what stops us from writing. Everyone had written a freewrite on the topic (and some of those were quite amusing, especially one from a self-proclaimed obsessive-compulsive who stated that she'd like to be known for some accomplishment other than having the cleanest toilets in the neighborhood) and the main culprits appeared to be time-management, family, guilt, perfectionism, fear or plain old procrastination.
So which one is your poison of choice?
It really is a fun class, if I only had more time....
I'm also attending a
writing workshop tomorrow - yay! It's just down the street too. I even purchased a copy of her latest to have signed. Maybe I can sell it on e-bay?
So, does all this talking about writing count towards actual writing points? How about 2-1?