Nov 30, 2005 13:24
monday i graduate my electronics course! whooooooo.
22 days and counting till i get to come home.
i found a nickle today, i bought gum with it.
about 3 this morning i had an epiphany. its impossible burp and sing the national anthem in a minor.
my MTL (kinda like a supervisor) was giving a speech abotu Air Force pride and was quoted saying "i love the Air Force, you cut me and i blee blue", also "PRT (AF's version of PT, same thing) is a great thing, you run around in circles for a while and feel accomplished after ward. then you go to the chow hall and eat yourself silly totaly negating the fact that you just worked out, its an Air Force tradition"
i was doing landing gear specs for an f-15e and did a mock damage report. my instructor toughthe'd be funny and write some stupid reports.
some are as follows (i kid you not i have the repot in my hand right now 0=D):
pilot entry: Evidence of faulty operation in landing gear
my entry: evidence removed
pilot entry: plane acting funny
class mate's entry: plane told to stop dicking around
pilot entry: steering too loose
class mates entry: told plane to stop dating around
we were late to formation because someone stole a 10 dollar calculator from the class equipment. i was annoyed.
to go on exodus (my christmas break) i had to fill out 4 diffrent forms each a few pages long and wait in front of my MTL's office for almost two hours. again, i was annoyed.
Im getting my student leader rope soon. i gete to boss people around. well i get to do what i do now, only now i have some weight to back my screaming up instead of idle threats of soap parties (refer to fll metal jacket when they beat pile with towels and soap).
after i graduate from my EP course i will have to be on details, which is me cleaning up the squardon all day, or atleast telling other people to whilst i do the "hard stuff" 0=)
my roomate (from PA) told me that kids in PA get the first day of hunting season off from school because they all go and kill things for fun.
ok im going back to the squardon to go to sleep now.
i leave you with Air Force wisdom.
written on the side of a missle.
a red arrow points to the nose.
warning says "point red arrow toword enemy, anything to the contrary will be fatal"