From the
Yes on 8 website: Proposition 8 is NOT an attack on gay couples and does not take away the rights that same-sex couples already have under California’s domestic partner law. California law already grants domestic partners all the rights that a state can grant to a married couple. Gays have a right to their private lives, but not to change the definition of marriage for everyone else.
Passing Proposition 8 protects our children and places into the Constitution the simple definition that a marriage is between a man and a woman.
Not discriminatory?! THIS IS WRONG. If this measure wasn't "attacking" gay couples, then why on earth was it necessary to use a word as colorful and descriptive as "protect" in the headline and discourse?
READ: Restoring Marriage & Protecting California Children.
Besides, if the subject was really as "simple" as a diplomatic discussion on the "definition of marriage," then surely a better choice of words could've - should've - been tastefully used??? (And while on this quick tangent, I argue that allowance of same-sex marriage isn't necessarily changing the definition so much as it is simply adding to it; same idea - with extra categories. Secondly, the idea of a "traditional" marriage has been long outdated, because in our current times people of non-traditional practices (atheism, agnosticism, etc.) have been allowed to marry as well. If they can be accepted, why not gay marriage?)
Prop. 8 is really just a facade for scared, prejudiced, hypocritical mother-fuckin' bigots who still believe gay people are evil and are going to terrorize the world, or something equally ridiculous. A vote for this measure is taking hundreds of steps backwards in human progress, civility, and understanding.