Went to go see
Persee earlier tonight in downtown LA to support the efforts of Drew Schnurr (sound design prof. I had last year), Casey Reas (D|MA prof. and one half the creative team behind the Processing program), and Mike Chu (grad student friend from 2 years back). It was a pretty interesting performance, in which a small ensemble of musicians performed some experimental music (conducted by Drew) with synchronous visuals created in Processing projected in the background (Casey and Mike's work).
The performance was at the Regent Theatre on Main St., in between 4th and 5th. I've never been to this part of downtown before, but it was interesting to note how many small galleries there were all lined up along that street by the theatre. While the location was interesting enough, the venue itself as well as the audience wasn't so great. Poor acoustics in the theatre made it difficult to hear any of the speakers and some elements of the sound; while the audience themselves -- since it was a show open to the public -- came and went rudely, loudly, drunkenly. Somewhere in the middle the noise outside was so bad that Drew suddenly stopped performance and stormed to the back to tell 3 guys to knock it off. While a bit dramatic, if I were in his position, I would've been pissed, too.
Events like this, though, make me want a car of my own all the more. There's still so much happening in this city that I don't know about, and so many places I have yet to visit.