Oct 29, 2006 01:58

If a DVD stops playing on you before you're even halfway through a movie, then you ought to take that as a sign the DVD DOES NOT want you to keep watching it 'cuz it's trying to do you a favor -- especially if that favor is to prevent you from seeing how Disney has horribly butchered all we hold dear in Mulan.

See, after a hectic day out today with HY running all around Santa Monica, we decided to stop by Hollywood Video after dinner in Westwood to grab some "bad" movies. And, y'know, there's a reason why we have the saying, "curiosity killed the cat," and we were curious to see what the Mulan sequel would be like.


Less than 1/4 into the film the DVD started skipping and then ultimately stopped running. We tried playing it again several times to no avail. This should've been the red flag telling us to just forget the idea of seeing the movie entirely. But in ignorance we decided to storm back to Hollywood Video before closing time and demand an exchange. Yeah, we really wanted to see Mulan 2 that bad.

With exchanged DVD in hand we popped the movie back into the player, and proceeded to continue where we left off after the first few sets of gross Disney-esque songs. And...


Whatever dignity Disney had regained for itself with the first movie was totally chewed up, barfed out, re-chewed, and shat to rotting, flaming-craphole-of-a-hell by the second. HY and I screamed, laughed, cringed, and maybe cried a little all throughout the second movie 'CUZ IT WAS JUST SO, SO BAD!!! The characters! The dialogue! THE ASIAN STEREOTYPES!!!111 a;gdd;gklahgiapowehgno;idf NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

Worse than Lion King 2: Simba's Pride? Yes -- in my opinion. Worse than Tarzan 2?. God no, says HY.

Personally, I don't even want to imagine what Tarzan 2 is like...

Shit, too late.

Disney, you suck.

disney, moments, crappy movies

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