Jan 07, 2006 10:01
so this past week has been well pretty bomb,
tuesday - first day back to school was a littttle long but o well, yeah 95% of the schools population walks around with head phones now " nano sluts" ahaha chris, dont forget the minis.
wednesday - got my skates sharpend then went out with lanna, andrew, adam, chris, and dustin, then mike made an apperence and made fun of me because i have a fear of sharpend skates..
thursday - school, i think i passed 2 tests! :) then after school i drove dan home then i went to the bank ahah for not having a job i still have 120$ bomb eh. then i got my bc needle with melissa, ouch. after that i came home and mike was gonig to teach me how to skate so i'll fit in at the pond this year so we got to shearwater and well my skates are for the same foot. omg, never so mad so i got cranky to him so my pumishment was to watch hockey. owell canada won 5-0 and wow our school won too, good night for canada.
friday - went and got ym sweeeeet hair done, amazingg! i cant even discribe it, but theres hot pink untill it tones down, and my hair is dark. real dark. then i went over to lannas and watched wedding crashers with her, andrew and mike,, " its because i have pink hair" "its because im wearing a turtle neck." ahaha wow,. then i went home and went to bed.
today im going to buy tanss get new skates.. get them sharpend. but yeah as of right now, im going to watch some season two oc, almost done ittt :) bye bitches.