We made it back and forth to my in-laws in one piece. It was exhausting and yet not long enough, because I didn't get to visit with my husband's sisters and extended family nearly as much as I would have liked. My mother and father-in-law? Meh. I could have skipped the dinner with them, as I find my husband's stepfather completely irritating, and he always undercooks the turkey. It's a wonder to me that none of us have ever gotten food poisoning. I also got a miserable cold the day we left, which added to the fun. The night one of my sisters-in-law took the kids for a sleepover, my husband and I went back to where we were staying, watched tv for a bit, and I went to sleep. The end. Sigh. It was fun to visit with our friends who just had a baby, though. I even got to hold the baby, although I was afraid to breathe on him lest I contaminate him with my germs. And my husband's cousins are lots of fun, it's just that all at once they tend to overwhelm me and I forget to speak.
So now I get to worry about sending out my Christmas cards and my very delayed thank you notes for my daughter's birthday. I wish I could just bag sending them, but that's not how I was raised. My daughter's room needs to be cleaned desperately in time for Santa's arrival because it's frightening in there. I also still have to finish up my shopping and try to get through the next few weeks without turning into a giant stress-ball. Any suggestions, other than upping my meds and/or drinking more alcohol than usual?
Lisa, because she asked and it's only five things. I should be able to handle that, right?
I should expose five odd things about myself, and then challenge 5 friends to do the same.
The oddity number 1: I like to sleep naked. My children often out me inappropriately on this, and at this point I just tell people I don't like to be hot when I sleep. I keep a pair of sweats at the end of the bed, should something happen. Try not to picture this in your head.
The oddity number 2: I know way too much about popular culture. If I hear a pop song, I can usually tell you who is singing it. I can talk to you at length about "The Girls Next Door." It's quite ridiculous for a 35-year-old homemaker, especially one who spent a lot of money and time getting a college degree.
The oddity number 3: I can't stand having dry skin on my hands and alternate between putting lotion on them multiple times a day and picking and/or biting the dry skin off. I really don't know how I don't get infections.
The oddity number 4: I can't stop myself from double-checking stuff over and over again, like the amount of the last bank deposit I made, or if I sent the right book out to the right person from Amazon, or if I got everything on my grocery list. I know this is an OCD thing. I hate it, but I can't seem to stop.
The oddity number 5: Many years ago I once decided that my eyes were hazel instead of brown. I don't know why. They're brown, although they have a lot of green in them. I think I was just sick of having brown eyes that year or something. I am back in reality on that one. My eyes are brown.
And now to pick 5 friends to challenge.