I'm pretty sure this is the first major time I've sat down today. The kiddies are watching a video and will hopefully not start bothering each other any time soon.
Today was the first day of my son's kindergarten. At his insistence, I drove him to school this morning, along with his totally neurotic grandmother, who wanted to be there. I left him with a lump in my throat, but there were no visible tears on his part or mine. He came home on the bus, and it turned out he is the last kid on the route to be dropped off, so it was fun to wait (if you count screaming at my near 3 year old to stop running around in the driveway as fun). Also, I have PMS and got choked up when I heard Men At Work's "Land Down Under" on the radio this morning (I shouldn't have watched all that Steve Irwin stuff on
Animal Planet last night), so be glad that you weren't with me. Really. It wasn't a pleasant morning.
The afternoon was slightly better once I ate lunch and was able to get through taking my children to the library, then back home. However, I have to get all three of us down to the end of the street by 8:15am tomorrow (first one on, last one off), so we'll have to see how that goes.
We also just got back from Vermont. Trips up there tend to be exhausting. We won't be going back for a couple of months, but a highlight of our trip was my husband killing a rather large spider in our bedroom. It was laying in my dirty clothes and startled me quite a bit. Fortunately, no one besides my husband heard me yell, "Jesus! Christ! Almighty!" (the kids were upstairs with my mother-in-law at the time). I felt marginally guilty, since the mother-in-law is a devout Roman Catholic; it was the Lord's name pretty seriously in vain. But again, no one really heard me. Except God, who is probably getting ready to smite me even as I speak. Sigh.