holiday "crap"

Dec 12, 2005 15:08

My son said "crap" when he was getting out of the tub yesterday. My husband didn't know whether to laugh or not. When I said this word in the car later on, he figured out where my son was getting it from. I pointed out that at least it wasn't a swear word.

Things have been crazy (as I predicted) since Thanksgiving. We had the drive from hell going up in the midst of a pretty bad snowstorm. What normally takes us a little over three hours took five. So that was fun. Our only saving grace was the portable DVD player my parents gave to us as an early Christmas gift. At least the kids were somewhat occupied for a while (when they weren't sleeping). We managed not to get into an accident (despite my best efforts, including stomping on the brake like a moron when the van started to skid). We also managed to dodge my mother-in-law's efforts to find out if we were pro-life or not. Twice. I think she is so unhappy that all she has is her religion and it's starting to get to her. She should be grateful that we even go to church at all, never mind the fact that we are no longer Roman Catholic. Whatever. I just didn't enjoy the small Inquisition and thought it inappropriate for our visit.

Anyway, I have been frantically trying to finish my Christmas shopping, in between going to the gym and a couple of birthday parties. We just barely got our tree up over the weekend, under much duress. I kept telling my husband we were Scrooges, not having our tree up with two small children in the house. Ugh. It's fine now, despite the fact that the tree-topper is leaning to the front and there are an abundance of ornaments on the bottom where the kids put them on all together (two ornaments per square inch, I think). I also sent out over 40 Christmas cards. Woot.

Both kids are sick right now. My son has had this disgusting sniffling/snorting thing going on for a month. He also had a cough for good measure. When I finally dragged him out to the doctor, the nurse practitioner thought it was bronchitis. The antibiotic cleared up the cough nicely, but not the nose thing, so I think we'll be back later this week. My daughter just has cold #4 (5? 6? I've lost count). Hopefully it will just go away like her previous colds and not turn into anything more sinister. I also came down with a sinus thing, not an infection but just the horrible feeling that some unknown entity was parked on the left side of my face. Considering the amount of sneezing and coughing I am on the receiving end of, it probably could have been worse.

Today I managed to vacuum out the back of the van. I never use the gas station vacuums because I think they're gross (the one I used today smelled like it had been inside of a cab), but desperate times and all that. Residing in the back seat with the kids was:
1. The somewhat ground-up and soggy remains of my son's "friendship mix," which was made and bagged at school. The bag opened and spilled 1/4 of its contents, including cereal, marshmallows, and Teddy Graham cookies.
2. Ground-up Junior Mints, which are a safe candy for my daughter to eat but also easy to drop (and then they melt - yum).
3. Ground-up Goldfish crackers.
4. Ground-up pretzels.

In the front seat where I sit:
1. Sand, which came out all over the roads with the first snowfall.
2. Leaves (guess I haven't cleaned since the fall).
3. A tissue under the seat. Not sure if it was used or not, but out it went.

I don't think the car smells despite the vacuum, and at least it's cleaner.

We also went to the library. I had two movies waiting for me, Elf and Cheaper by the Dozen. Both free, since they came from libraries out of town. Have I mentioned I love our public library? I'll definitely miss it whenever we move.

Lastly: Very scary. The only good thing from that poor girl's death is that it seems to be bringing more attention to peanut allergies. Locally, this happened. Maybe now people will stop being so clueless. I can't tell you how frustrating it is to have people practically roll their eyes at you when you mention your child's peanut allergy. The only analogy I have for idiots like that is how would you feel if I slipped some anti-freeze into your kid's drink? Because that is what peanuts do to my daughter.

peanut allergy information, life

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