We've had a busy week here in Nellymom world. Lots of kids going to school, doctor's appointments, and running around doing errands. My daughter has a cold, which in itself isn't too bad, but it includes post-nasal drip from hell. She's been up for the past three nights hacking away, in spite of a humidifier, an elevated bed (head end), and some generic Robitussin. Sigh. The night before last she was coughing so hard she threw up all over her crib. The joys of parenting. At least she's been in a good mood. Her pediatrician won't give her anything good in the way of cough syrup prescription drugs to help her sleep, so that's where we're at until she gets better, I guess. She's probably too young for the good stuff, like codeine.
On one happy note, we decided daughter's theme for her second b-day party is
Dora. The party is going to be here at home, which means I need to go on a massive cleaning/organizational spree so I don't embarrass myself in front of the relatives. Not that the house is usually a pit, but it's not fit for company just now.
I also had a meeting with my therapist two Fridays ago and seem to be doing a lot better, which I tend to agree with. I guess going to the gym and dieting does help depression a little, thank you, Tom Cruise (but not always, moron - hope Katie doesn't get post-partum). I think I also needed to rebound from being on meds, it took a little while to get out of my system and get back to "normal." Heh. Anyway, apart from expressing my slight anxiety over preparing to buy a new house and move, I also talked about the Evil Mom situation and how Evil Mom #2 has been quite cold and rude to me and the other mom that is also a refugee from our old playgroup when we're dropping off and picking up our boys from pre-school. And the therapist agreed EM#2 is acting irrational and rude. We really have no theories on why she is acting like this, but there was a thought that Evil Mom #1 may have made up a nasty story or told her some fun lies, even though we haven't seen her at all. Or EM#2 could just have her own crazy agenda. Hard to say.
So what my therapist suggested (and what I have talked about with my husband, my mom, and the other "normal" mom ad nauseum) is writing EM#2 a little non-threatening email. She obviously in some way feels threatened by us or she wouldn't avoid speaking to us, avoid eye contact, avoid a school field trip, and skitter away from us like we smelled bad every time she saw us (bear in mind, we used to go to her house once a month for TWO YEARS). In this letter, I would just ask why she is being so rude to us, and if perhaps she could at least be civil for the 2 minutes a day she sees us at drop-off/pick-up just so things won't be so uncomfortable at school. Quite frankly, we don't want to be her friend or go to her house anymore, so she has nothing to fear (if that is her fear). She can either choose to respond or ignore to it. At least then I've made an attempt to be an adult in what is a very adolescent situation, and it will give me a little resolution to the whole mess.
I also checked with the pre-school teacher to make sure that the boys are all getting along ok because I have no idea what is being said at EM#2's home. Fortunately, the teacher understood the situation ("sometimes the parents are worse than the kids") and said they were fine.
I can't believe I have to act this way with a woman who is nearing 40. Didn't crap like this end when we became "adults?" I really, truly wish she would pull her son out of our pre-school and disappear like EM#1 did, but no such luck yet. So EM#2 needs to face up to the fact that she will be looking at me and my other mom friend for the rest of the year and get over herself.