The Pimpage:
- allison_lims, an Allison Mack Last Icon Maker Standing Contest, is under new management and is currently accepting members for a new round. be sure to check it out and sign-up. i know my flist has a few AlliMack and Chloe fans :)
- Challenge 55: Prototype @ smville_iconic is at the half-way mark. go submit! you have until June 8th at 10pm.
- check out The Icon Gifting Extravaganza at tarie's journal (thanks to lovebuggin for the heads-up on this one). my comment is here if you are interested. i've already made 7 icons for people and i might make some more later on tonight :)
well, i was finally knocked out of the 1st round (and one challenge before the end!!) at
smallville_lims and i knew when i started that it would probably be a Rosey icon that would KO me. there is something about MR/Lex that i find hard to icon when dealing with a head shot. i should have saved my last skip on him :p
since i'm officially out until the next round starts sign-ups, expect an icon post soon with all my entries plus a few more from other icontests.
wedding info on the next post to keep fandom and RL separate :D