I've never liked Glenn Beck- he's such a giant asshole that I can't imagine anyone actively liking him. But now, I have my own reason not to like him.
Turns out he hates New College. Rated us the No. 2 Institute of Higher Leftist Learning in his book "An Inconvenient Book."
Apparently he think that b/c we have narrative evaluations (not the only school that does- Sarah Lawrence and a few others have them as well) and not actual grades, we're not really a real school.
Never mind that our accreditation is flawless. Or that we're featured in Forbes, Princeton Review, etc.
No- we have no grades, only what he calls "pep talks" (and our narrative evaluations are hardly "pep talks") at the end of the semester. It's like he heard about us and then made up his own make-believe New College. Well, that's nothing new. He makes up so many other things. The guy has what I'd call an over-active imagination.
Anyway- there's a facebook group to get us mentioned by Stephen Colbert as the most liberal school, rather than just merely number two.
http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=128915407870 We only have 800 + members, but the internet is strong and I have faith. Please join if you have facebook.