Dec 29, 2004 00:05
I'm finally back to updating my livejournal...i'm really horrible at keeping this thing up, but I figure I better write something since I read everyone else's on a regular basis.
I'm at home right now...
I didn't get back from Wesleyan until last Wednesday night (the 22nd). I had a medieval europe exam on the last day of finals, which was pretty rough..but Katharina and Mike (and Will) and I made it through eventually. The semester was definitely pretty tough with classes and such....I have a whole new appreciation for people who have had transfer anywhere, something I've never had to do. I've lived in the same place, same house, etc. my whole life.
After talking to one of the professor's at professor cocktails at eclectic, I made a short list of my opinions...just thought I'd put it out there, since I'm a list-person.
Things I liked:
Guys...need I say more?
Eclectic - lots of parties and interesting people, and usually good drinks
seeing patrick - kinda like high school
freedom from res staff
the activism - the protest during my last history class when 200 students went to "liberate fisk hall" from the overbearing administration was pretty cool and things got rather interesting when they all trudged through the rain and cold and mud to bennet's office hours, followed him around, and held a protest outside his window (even putting up a ladder!) was great to see people not just bitching when they have an issue, but actually doing something, '60's style
my roommate - even though I really would have liked some space...Claire was very cool...I've never known someone quite so into music and quite so Irish
Things I hated:
the über liberalism and complete bias in classes
the (lack of) dorm life - being able to smoke pot (and do various other things) whenever and whereever you like is great for a week, but it just doesn't have the community
Holidays were pretty good considering how rushed it was...great to see my family though...Uncle Steve, Danny, and Alex and then Jeannie stopped by earlier on Christmas eve. Dan O'Hare said mass at our house on Chirstmas eve. Bob and the Rubins (yes, they're jewish, but they're close friends so they come over for almost all of the holydays...minus jason who went with his wife to visit her family in Brazil) came over for dinner afterwards. It was great to see them all, especially Amanda who I haven't seen in a long time. Later my family opened gifts, which is totally unusual, but since we had different schedules we figured it would be easier than trying to coordinate it in the morning. I got a new discman with a radio, clothes, and perfume. On Chistmas day we kinda just hung around. In the afternoon we all drove down to Providence to the family renunion with my mom's family. Claire and my mom drove down earlier, and I went down with my dad and Patrick later. We all stayed in the Marriot by the Providence Place mall (as usual). It was great to see everyone, except that there were some many people I didn't really get to talk to everyone. My mom's four brothers and her sister and their families were there - that's right, 15 cousins, including Adele and Rebecca - cousins who are actually our age - who came up from DC. Pat, Adele, Rebecca, Claire, and I ended up going to the movies and seeing Meet the Fochers after several failed attempts to find an open restaurant. The movie was great, especially if you're looking for a comedy with all the rather depressing movies out now. The next day we all kindof perused around the mall - got some cool tights and posters - then went out to dinner with my grandmother...which was quite the ordeal since we got a big snowstorm and apparently all the ploughs were on vacation. Later, Adele, Kate, Claire, and I went to see the Life Aquatic. It was great, if you're a Bill Murray fan. I did like the fish, but other than that I wasn't as amused I was with virtually the same cast as in The Royal Tennenbaums.
Last night - back at home - Jane, Claire, and I watched Napoleon Dynamite which was rather funny, but I fell asleep at the end because I was totally wiped out. Today I went to Northampton with Heather and Claire...bought a scarf and a hat and a poster. We got pad thai from Thai Gardens, which was super good and I also got a Chai latte (my favorite :-) Then we came back and watched Garden State - finally!!! I hadn't seen it and I think everyone else on the planet had. I really loved it, except that I'm, totally weirded out by the fact that Zach Braff is 29! I also want to see it again without a ton of people - we were at Heather's house with Jane, Kyle, Kyle's friend, and various discontented pets.
I totally excited to be back at Wellesley...especially in a single in shafer! ...and back in Massachusetts - I realize for all you out of staters that Connecticut doesn't seem that far, but it's really worlds apart (there are Yankees fans here!). I miss boston (or at least having boston there) and especially during the world series victory, which totally needs to happen again next year so I can see it all! I also (as you can probably tell) miss you all at Wellesley...It's so weird to be in a new place and not come home at the end of the day (especially for 5:30 dinner) and not see people I know. I've already started getting stuff ready - I got a big chair, a minifridge, and some posters. Please let me know if/when you'll be on campus cuz I'd love to visit - definitely down for Melody's birthday, but that's not till the end of January. Other than that I should (hopefully) be subbing at the middle school or some other school that will have me, helping my dad with the debate team, and - oh right - figuring out my future. I really need to get my ass in gear with the whole summer internship thing...which is off to a disastrous start. Any ideas? I mean, I know I want to go into some sort of law, education, politics (maybe journalism) thingy, but I've got no idea yet and it seems there are all sorts of tests and experiences requires, which all kinda sucks. Anyway...sorry for the looong delay, but I just wanted to update you my life. Pictures will hopefully follow.