(no subject)

Jun 07, 2009 13:27

Please pray for us...On top of everything else going on..... Well, my little baby girl Rosie is staying overnight at a hospital 30 minutes away. She became very ill with diarrhea and vomiting. Apparently she has an intestinal condition/pancreatitis. Caused by diet, stress of moving ETC.
I had two choices while at the Emergency Vet:
1) Sign the paper that says I will pay off up to $2,900 in medical bills over the next 12 months.
2) Sign the paper to have Rosie put to Sleep

I signed the first one. Now, IF Rosie responds to treatment and gets better after being in the hospital, we can take her home and start paying off the huge medical bill. I fear that when she gets out, this new apartment living situation is just too stressful for her, and she will have to spend the rest of her life living at my parent's house. So I will still be giving every penny I have to pay for what it cost to save her life, and I wont even get to see her everyday.
Also, she could NOT respond to treatment and pass away. Then I would lose my child, but still have to pay all the medical bills.

I'm sad, numb....stressed. I'm getting married next weekend and it's supposed to be the happiest time of my life!! But...
+I just moved to a new town into my first apartment, by myself...
+ I'm starting a new job
+I have a TON of bills to pay
+My fiance isn't even sure if he will have a job
+My dog is very sick and her medical bills will cost us thousands

I don't know how Dan and I are going to survive. And I can't even imagine living without my little Rosie. It seems I will have to do that one way or another...

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