Reels: Chapter 2

Jul 25, 2007 15:48

Title: Reels
Author: nelliedances/Miss Ruby Tuesday
Beta: The amazing piratemistress and jacksmermaid
Rating: R
Pairings: Jack/Elizabeth, peripheral Will/Elizabeth
Warnings: Wee ones for DMC and Governess Swann, eventually. AU after DMC
Disclaimer: Sure I own it; that's why I live in a little apartment and write these things on a second hand iBook. On the other hand, I do own several neat whalebones.
Summary: How it all went terribly wrong.
Status: Chapter 2

I'm finally posting the second chapter, oh, a year later. Refresh your mind here: Chapter 1. Now, without further ado:

The moon hung low in the dark sky. They had been blessed with fair winds and a sea to follow that night. Jack stood behind her, his arms wrapped around her, hands over hers, helping her learn the feel of the wheel. They had been silent for the better part of the first four bells of the watch. The feel of the ship beneath her hands and Jack's solid warmth at her back was enough; she hadn't felt the need to fill the empty space with words like she often did with Will.

“My mother would have loved this.” Her voice sounded funny in her ears after so much silence.


“My mum. She loved the sea. When my father received his governorship, she had been so excited to leave, even though Father had told her that it would not be a comfortable journey.”

“What happened to her? I don't remember you mentioning her before.” Elizabeth swallowed hard.

“She... passed away a month before we were to set sail. Lung fever.” Her eyes welled up with tears and she looked skyward, blinking them away. The pain of losing her mother was still fresh and sharp, despite the long years that had passed. “I'm sorry,” she choked, pulling her hand from under Jack's to drag her shirtsleeve across her eyes. Jack's arm snaked around her waist, pulling her close.

“Nothing to be sorry for,” he whispered against her hair. “She’s your mum, after all. Any man here would understand the pain of losing her.”

“It hurts too much to think of her. I saw her just before she died. I snuck into her room, I wasn't supposed to, but I had to know what was happening. No one would tell me.” She turned in his arms, pressing her face to his chest to hide the sudden tears pricking at her eyes. “She was so pale and still and all I could hear was her sick, wet cough. She told me not to be afraid of her, but I couldn't help it. I was not yet twelve; I ran from her!”

“Ssh, pet I'm sure she didn't fault you for it.”

“You don't understand, Jack. She died just a few hours later. Her last memory on Earth could have been her coward daughter running from her,” she mumbled. Jack rubbed her back, comfortingly.

“Luv, you were just a child. I would’ve done much the same thing when I was that age too.” She looked up at him, her tear-stained face reflected in his eyes. She leaned a fraction of an inch closer, her breath warming his face, and her eyes half closed. She was close, too close to him.

“What's your favourite watch, Jack?” she said, changing the subject abruptly, her eyes still wet. She was so close Jack didn't think he could concentrate on steering.

“This one.” His eyes started lowering involuntarily, as well.


He exhaled, causing her to close her eyes completely. “The silence. It's nothing but you, the ship, and the sea. The birds are even silent... But then, you get to see the sun rise. It's like the whole world is on fire. Middle watch is the best of both worlds... night and day.” She reached up her hand and laid it on his cheek.

“Jack...” she whispered. “This is wrong.”

“That it is, luv.” He knew that already. How could he forget? He started to pull back from her, when she moved her hand to the back of his neck, pulling him forward to her lips.

“But I want it...” He wasn't sure he heard it, only felt her lips moving against his. Her lips brought back memories of the time before his death, of the first time she'd kissed him. This time, she felt warmer and less guarded. There was no bitterness on her tongue.

“You won't leave me for dead this time, will you?” he chuckled darkly, when they broke apart. She shook her head. He studied her face for a moment. Her eyes still seemed bright with tears, but her cheeks were tinged with a pretty blush and her lips were rosy. It was a look that became her and, Jack thought, one he'd never seen on her when she was with Will. Interesting.

The sun was just lightening the sky when Will woke for his watch. He hated following up middle watch. He preferred to work the afternoon watch, when the sun was high in the sky. The night and early morning ones always struck him as too quiet and lonely. Even with another person, it was hard to pass the time. It was too dark to do much of anything, unless one cared to stargaze. Will knew he should care more about the stars, but he didn't. He'd never make a living on the sea like the rest of the crew. He rolled out of his hammock, slipping on the slimy floor. He knew he should have traded off for afternoon watch.

On deck, Jack stared off into the brightening horizon. He had an unsettled feeling as he steered on. Something in him had changed on the watch last night, but he wasn't quite sure exactly how. He wasn't sure he'd be able to sleep when his watch ended. He had too much on his mind and he hoped watching the sunrise would give him a little peace.

“Good morning, Jack.” Will's voice drew his eyes down to the stairs. The boy looked tired and a little green. Jack's eyes narrowed on him.

“Will. Time for your watch already?”

“You should know, you're in charge of the bells.”

Jack paused and nodded, clanging the bell at the helm once. “Feeling all right, son?”

Will shuddered at his choice of words. He hated when Jack called him son. “I didn't sleep well and I think I had a little too much to drink last night.” He looked around. “Where's Elizabeth? I thought she was standing watch with you.”

“Standing is a bit of a misnomer.” He gestured to his feet, where Elizabeth lay, curled up, Jack's coat serving as a blanket. “She only made it to six bells. I didn't have the heart to keep her awake.” Will's brow furrowed.

“Should I... I mean, do you want me to...? Before my watch starts and all,” he stammered.

“William, you are making no sense. What do you want to tell me I want to you to do before your watch starts, which it already has, as you have so punctually reminded me.” The tops of Will's ears flamed.

“Should I take Elizabeth to bed?”

“Shouldn't you ask the lady about that and not me?” Jack grinned at him. Sometimes, it really was a little too easy to tease Will.

“You know what I meant, Jack.”

“That I did, but it was so much more amusing this way. And as for your question, no, you may take your watch as planned. I'll make sure your lady fair gets to a berth unharmed.” Will eyed him sceptically, but Jack was already sliding his feet from under Elizabeth's head. She made a soft mewling sound in her sleep. “Don't just gawk, lad, take the wheel!”

Will took the last couple steps and slipped in as Jack scooped Elizabeth from the decks. Her head lolled against his shoulder and instinctively, she pressed her face closer. A tendril of jealousy wrapped around Will's heart. It should be him carrying her, just like it should have been him dancing with her last night.

“She's in good hands, you know.” Jack's voice was unusually sincere as he nodded goodbye to Will and started down the stairs.

“That's what I'm afraid of,” Will whispered at Jack's retreating form. “That you'll take care of her too well.”

“Gibbs... GIBBS!” Jack shoved the sleeping man's hammock with his hip, trying not to wake Elizabeth in the process. The man sat up startled.

“Mother of God, Jack, ye'll send me to the grave before the Devil comes for me!”

“Fitting, since you already sleep like the dead. I have a favour to ask.” His first mate nodded at him. “I've finished my watch and I'm taking Elizabeth to my cabin to sleep. I'll be barring my door, but you have a key for dire circumstances.”

“Aye. But Jack, d'ye really think what yer doin is a wise thing?”

“Sleeping? Yes.”

“With her.” Gibbs nodded his head to the sleeping bundle in his arms. “Don't Will mind?”

“He didn't seem to. Really, I don't suppose Will'd want me to leave her sleeping on the decks, now would he? But to put your mind at ease, I planned on drinking a bit and falling asleep on my desk. Besides,” he said, giving a little leer for effect. “You know shrinking virgins aren't quite my type.” It was a bit of a lie, but that, coupled with the assurance that Will knew, was enough to cause Gibbs to relax little.

“Right you are, Jack. Why bother teaching one when you can find one who already knows?”

“Anyhow, shouldn't you be on watch with our young buck?” Jack walked away, enjoying the sound of his mate grumbling as he pulled his boots on.

He was surprised that Elizabeth hadn't at all stirred. She hadn't sleep well, recently. She'd told him, before she'd fallen asleep at his feet last night, that she'd been plagued by terrible nightmares that chased away what little sleep she could have had shipboard. That was why, when she began to fade, he let her doze. He'd stood watch alone before; it wasn't a big deal.

He made his way into the cabin with her and set her down in his berth. He paused to look at her for a moment before going back to bar his door. Really, he never had any intention of sleeping at his desk, but the fewer to know that, the better. Elizabeth might consider him to be a good man, but he was still a pirate at heart.
She looked younger when she was asleep. There was no trace of the pain on her face he had seen before when she spoke of her mother, before she kissed him for the second time, honestly. He didn't know why she had done it. There had been no sea monster to escape this time, no need to distract him. He wondered if it had been out of curiosity or the loneliness of the watch or for comfort from her memories. In any event, he was not going to dwell on her reasons because it made him question his reasons for wanting to understand hers and that would keep him from sleeping. He began, in earnest, to remove her effects.

“Jack..?” Her voice startled him.

“Darlin.. Didn't know you were awake. The watch is over. I brought you back here to sleep. 'S quieter here than on deck, you know.” Christ, he was rambling. She nodded, oblivious to it, her eyes fluttering. “D'you want to finish taking off your things?”

“No.” She rubbed his hand with her own sleep-warmed one. “You're doing a fine job.”

He grunted an affirmation, afraid if he said anything, it would be off-colour. “Were you planning on sleeping, as well?”

“Ahh... Well, I was. I figured I'd play the gentleman, allow you the bed, and sleep in my chair.”

“That would be a bit uncomfortable, wouldn't it?”
Jack shrugged.

“We could share, you know,” she offered nonchalantly.

Jack raised an eyebrow at her. “Are you sure you're not still half asleep, Lizabeth?”

“I'm quite sure. Will's spent the night before and we've shared a bed. It's not uncommon, you know.”

“...Really...” he said drolly. “Didn't imagine our boy had it in him to engage in such activities before you were wed.” She pulled a face at him.

“Father's a big proponent of bundling. Says it'll make our marriage better. We're supposed to talk.” She wondered why she had to say that so sourly. “Mostly, he just watched me sleep.”

She had shared a bed with Will a handful of times and it was always, at best, awkward. He seemed to always make it a point to keep a hand's width between them, even when he slept. It was no more interesting than when she'd shared a bed with her cousins as a girl. She'd been disappointed, the first night. She wasn't sure what she thought would happen, but she'd expected a little more than sitting awake half the night, listening to Will's soft snores.

“If you're sure, then.” Jack sat on the edge of his bed, pulling off his boots and then his shirt. “Last chance, luv, because if I'm not in bed soon, I won't be getting further than the floor.

She said nothing, but turned on her side, burying her face in one of his pillows. He looked at her, remembering the last time he'd shared this bed with a woman. Bloody Anamaria had shared it with him till they'd taken a ship they'd been forced to give no quarter to. Mindful of his promise, even if it was a little late in coming, he'd given it over to her in favour of keeping the Pearl for himself. He'd missed her warmth the first few nights, but at least they'd parted on good terms this time. Well, good as they could be. He'd made the mistake of calling her Lizzie one night and she'd never quite squared with him on that.

This was not really the time to think about that, however. He slipped under the sheets. Without giving it a second thought, he pulled her tightly to him, crooking his head over her shoulder, an arm thrown around her waist.



“Is... is this what it's like to really sleep with a man?”

“What do you mean?”

“Will never held me when we...”

“Would you like me to give you space?” He silently cursed himself for assuming she would want him touching her.

“No, no... I was just ...curious...” His warm breath on the nape of her neck was making her anything but tired. She could feel his heartbeat against her back. This had been more of what she'd expected of Will on the nights he'd spent at the governor's mansion. She had wanted to be held, to feel wanted.

“Then, yes, luv,” he whispered. “This is what it's like. Someone should inform Will he can't despoil you just by holding you close. In fact... if you were mine... I wouldn't given a second thought about taking such liberties.” He made it a point to brush his lips over the back of her neck when he said it, enjoying the goosebumps he raised there.

“Yours,” she echoed pensively. “We should get some sleep.”

reels, fic

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