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Aug 22, 2011 23:25

Oh MAN. I am in SUCH a good fucking mood it is RIDICULOUS. I am all swoony and mildly hyperventilaty and I feel REAL, right up to the edges of my skin - when I'm upset or depressed or stressed, I find myself all caved in, shrunken and hunched and clenched tight, with echoing and numbness around, whereas when I'm feeling good I feel expansive and bright and pretty and witty and gay full of beans. So why so chipper? A lot of it is contrast - last week I had the double whammy of PMS and a lurking lurgy which loomed all week and then hit, sledgehammer-like, over the weekend, but which has now lifted - but it is also the potent mix of listening to heart-twistingly good music at loud volume while reading truly AMAZING fic about ludicrously attractive people.

wildestranger, I don't know how to thank you for this.

So I've said before a few times that the best source material for fanfic is one where the characters are reasonably well established but there are a lot of gaps or empty spaces to be filled in - Harry Potter and the Marauders, for instance, or Swallows and Amazons. Then there are a lot of programmes or films which are brilliant and amazing, but whose stories are very well fleshed out, with not much more story to tell - Doctor Who (for me, although I know there is a fandom for it), or The Good Wife. There are other fandoms where there is space to write, but it's small and finite - that's what I feel about The Eagle, which has spawned some truly brilliant pieces but doesn't quite have the scope for extensive exploration. Inception - specifically Eames/Arthur - has the potential to be in the Harry Potter camp (although it may well prove more finite - still early days, after all).

I've noticed echoes of Remus/Sirius in the Arthur/Eames I've been reading - the way that the characters as portrayed in the source material can be developed in a variety of directions, while all remaining totally recognisable. You had dickish Sirius and sweet Sirius, innocent Remus and secret sex God Remus, Sirius with the power or Remus somehow on top - all believable if written well. In the film Arthur is competent, reserved, unflashy, efficent, and some writers have taken him as uptight and neurotic whereas others have seen him as more confident and together. Eames is flamboyant, ironic, powerful, flirtatious - in fic he is shown with more or less artifice, sometimes a commitment-phobe, sometimes true and warm and open, always ludicrously clever. Like Remus/Sirius, depictions of their relationship vary too, in terms of power balance, sexual experience, who's chasing whom, commitment and affection, when the relationship started and how, and so on.

Also like Remus/Sirius, it's a pairing which can be well accessorised. The nature of their job allows for any location, any situation - a story can focus on extraction, or on their day-to-day lives - and the strength of their characterisation allows for AUs. The ensemble cast means that other characters pop up, hang around, act as sounding boards or agents in their getting-together. Arthur's dress-sense, Eames' wit and cleverness, allow for discussions of clothes and food and wine and travel and poetry; there can be banter and teasing or serious conversations and conflict. There's always something to keep the story fresh.

And finally, the key ingredient - SEX. It is completely and utterly believable that these two would be at it. Tom Hardy is just ludicrously beautiful and impossibly attractive, and who hasn't thought of debauching JGL? I've been remembering Tom Hardy's voice and having chills from it.

So, there you have it. Not very scientific or coherent (oh, I wish I could write commentary better but I have vocab-failure at times like this), but a few of my thoughts. I just can't believe I didn't fall into this fandom sooner!
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